Chapter Eleven

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Liam Payne

There was mostly light everywhere without a trace of another color. I began to feel suffocated with how plain everything around me was, it was unnatural. No one was in sight, there were no buildings, no streets, no nothing. It was just white everywhere. In fact, when I looked down at what I wore it was just white. I reached up to touch my face and my finger tips didn't graze the glasses that usually sat upon my face. It was weird because when I looked around my eye sight was fairly clear.

I covered my eyes as I peered up to see the brightest light I've ever seen. It burned my eyes but it was hard to look away and I fought myself walking towards it. It just looked so pretty it was hard for me to stop my feet from moving towards it.

"Li!" I turn almost automatically hearing the voice and I squint as I see Louis in the far distance,"didn't anyone ever tell you to not go towards the light."

I didn't know what to say because I couldn't grasp a reason as to why Louis was here.

"L-Louis?" I asked in question.

I took a step forward and just as I did so Louis smiled and he disappeared as if melting into dust on the white floors. My anxiety was building up and I was breathing heavy, eventually sinking down onto the floor and just sitting there. If I could check the time I could've speculated that maybe half and hour passed since I'd seen Louis.

A gust of wind passed by me, pushing against me softly and sweeping my hair out of my face and I blinked as I saw Zayn. I instantly stood, my heart beating weirdly fast and this unknown happiness flooding my emotions. I let out a tiny whine, clutching my head and stumbling a little. I must've stood too quickly.

"Careful there pup," he chuckled.

His voice was so deep and so comforting. My headache disappeared just hearing his voice which was weird and not possible but I went with it. I took quick footsteps trying to reach him but with every step I took it felt like he was getting farther and farther away from me. I was getting tired but I was relentless in trying to get to him.

"Zayn!" I called out to him.

His face turned cold as he said,"hurry."

I began sprinting but he kept moving backwards and it was getting hard. I paused in my running, grasping my chest and choking as I felt my throat constrict. It was getting hard for me to breathe but seeing Zayn in the distance felt even more suffocating to me knowing that he was so far from me. I fell to the floor onto my knees feeling overwhelmed.

I was gasping and struggling to breathe and my body felt weak and the light was just shining in the corner. If I just crawled over a few I'd be touching the light and it was a temptation I nearly fell into.

Instead, I suffered in a ball and only stared at the light as I willed myself to control my breathing. Soon enough my breathing was under control, my body was still in the slightest pain but I felt everything coming backing to me. My eyes closed and I felt myself drifting.

My eyes opened slightly and I squinted, groaning as a bright light pierced my vision. It was truly unsettling so I gingerly turned my head and was able to see that I was in some type of hospital room. It was quite plain but it was nicely decorated with all the doctoral equipment inside it.

I could also acknowledge that the bed I was in was incredibly comfortable, it felt like I was laying on clouds and it was soothing. I tried moving my hands but was stopped as a heavy weight rested upon my right hand. I turned and saw a large hand holding mine, locking our fingers together. It was warm and comforting and it shot this weird feelings through me. I never used the saying that butterflies were in my tummy but that accurately represented just what was going through me.

Love Me Till The End ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang