I'll always be here

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Imagine: You recently just lost your mom and you've been down in a sink whole for a long time and you had the best relationship with Hawk but have been avoiding it because you didn't feel like talking to him. Your mom was all you had left and your dad hit you a lot which Hawk never knew about. But one day you show up to school and your bruised. Hawk does his best to make you feel loved. Even at your worst.

Warning: Abuse, light cursing, emotional, fluffy

It's been a long junior year and the more you got older and the days went by the more you found your mom on the floor and you locked in the bathroom crying. You started to close yourself off and avoid school sometimes because you were too scared to face Hawk. You didn't want him to see you the way you were.

You get up and you get dressed and you get a text from Hawk.

"Hey princess can't wait to see you at school hopefully. Please come and find me. I'll be in the library. Please. I just want you to talk to me😟😟"

You sigh and you look in the mirror and didn't have any bruises from last night so you were okay for now. You figured you would just make another excuse or something.


You responded. You take a breath in and out.

"YES that's amazing! See ya then!😊"

You walk down the stairs and you take baby steps trying not to make a sound. There were cracks in the stairs and one of the steps were on the verge of breaking due to past events. Each step you take closer to the floor and the kitchen. Risking it not knowing if your dad was awake or sleep.

You finally make it to the bottom of the stairs and you see your dad standing in front of the door staring at you like a shadow man in a horror movie with your mom face down on the floor passed out. He was in his boxers and her body was covered with a towel. "Dad what did you do?!?" you screamed seeing your mom with her eyes closed and her bare legs sticking out from the towel. "She didn't say yes." "Dad how could you?! Get out." you said. "What did you say to me." he said raising his voice. "I said GET OUUT!"You screamed at him.

He ran up to you and grabbed your head and banged it on the counter and through you to the door and started kicking you. "Do you really want to end up like your mom?!" he screamed and picked you up by the collar and shoved you into the wall and head bunt you and kneed you in the stomach. "dad stop!" you begged.

But he got on top of you and his strong fist met your nose to wear it blead out hard. He had no mercy.


Yo open your weak eyes and everything is blurry and you turn and see your dad sitting on the couch and the has his head back and you hear small groans. You get up and your ears are ringing and you feel a sting rush through your head worse than a headache.

You tried to rub your eye but you cried out in pain. You tastes mettle in your mouth knowing it was blood. "shit" you said.

You used your strength and whimper and struggle to get up and you let out a small cry hurt. Your dad didn't know you were awake. He was too busy doing something you still had no idea what. You wanted to go to the bathroom and cover it up with makeup. But just touching your eye you knew it was bad. You knew makeup wouldn't do anything. And you didn't want to stay any longer. So you breath in and hold in your whining and grunts to not make sound and when you get up you finally get your hearing back.

You look over to the couch and what you see scars you for the rest of your life. You see your mom tied up hopeless and naked and your dad on the couch masturbating. You start to break down but cover your mouth and you let out a small wail sobbing wanting to do something. But you were already hurt enough.

Cobra Kai Imagines//Hawk//Jacob BertrandWhere stories live. Discover now