When Two Worlds Collide (Hawk) (request)

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Request: ufw_daddy

Imagine: It was the fight at the house and you had been on Miyagi Do for a while after you saw what happened to Hawk but Hawk was still on Cobra Kai. Even though you were enemies you promised not to fight each other because of the past chemistry you used to have. But in this event things are different. You are both on different sides fighting each other, but one has to happen to change it all back. 

You were sitting around the table with Chris, Sam, Demetri, Miguel, Mitch, Nate and all of them trying to figure out a new name for your team. "Okay guys we gotta think of something alright? We can't just sit here and stay quiet." "Nah there's now way I'm talking to them." Mitch said crossing his arms. "It doesn't look like you got a choice now does it." you said back at him. "Guys guys guys please we gotta work together alright? Cobra Kai is probably training right now getting ready to kick our asses soon probably we have to stay focused." you grunt and get up and walk to the kitchen. "I'll get her." Sam said following behind you. 

You reach in the cupboard and grab a cup and fill it with water. Sam comes behind you. "You okay?" she asked. "fine." you said in a stern voice slamming your cup on the counter after taking a drink. "You've been in a mood ever sense-" "shut up." "Hawk." she finished. "I said to shut up!" you snapped. She breaths in and out. 

"I know it's been hard-" "Sam I would love it if you would just leave me the hell alone please." you said stressed putting your hands on the counter. "You don't have to talk about it-but we need you alright?" you didn't respond and you just stood there. Sam wasn't leaving without giving up. 

"Okay please talk to me." she said standing next to you. "What's there to talk about." "You lost Hawk. He was close to you." "Friendships don't last." "But-" "Why are blackberries black?" you asked in a smartass tone. She just looked at you. "it's just the way shit is." you said turning back around. "It's not him." you mumbled. "What?" "Hawk. It's not who he is." "I know and it's Cobra Kai that did that. That's why we need to defeat em." "It's not gonna change anything, just cause more division." "You don't know that." you roll your eyes and it was quiet for another long time. 

"I hate who he is now." Sam looks at you. "It just angers me that he's letting that old hag get into his head. He's so blind to everything I just-" Sam grabbed your hand. "I just want him back." you said about to cry. She hugs you from the side. "I know. I know. You'll get him back." "I just want my best friend back." you said sobbing into her shoulders. Even though Sam was a little annoying to you, she always gave the best and most comforting hugs. "It's okay." she cooed rubbing your back. 

You gathered yourself up again and when you let go you wiped away your tears leaving stains. You suddenly were thrown off track when you heard a cat meow outside. "What the-?" you asked looking at Sam. You saw Nate get up "Oh guys it's your cat I think it wants to come in." he said walking to the door. "I didn't know you had a cat." you said to her. "We don't." you thought about it for a sec and you gasped figuring out when Bert came flying through the window and onto the floor. 

You rush into the living room and se glass everywhere and Bert. "not a cat." he said wheezing in pain. You start to freak out and then soon see Hawk walking around the corner along with the rest of Cobra Kai. 

You all stepped back and you make eye contact with Hawk and he gives you a devilish smirk. Kyler looks at Miguel "Payback time rea." he said smiling. "Guys you don't have to do this." you said trying to stop knowing you were going to fight Hawk but you couldn't. And you didn't think he would because when you broke up you both promised not to fight each other. But you didn't know anymore. 

They stepped closer to you guys and you guys backed up. "We didn't have to do a lot of things." Hawk said eye balling you. But you were startled when Tori and some others come bursting through the door and walking closer to Sam. 

Cobra Kai Imagines//Hawk//Jacob BertrandOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora