A/N, you can read this if you ever have time lmfao

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( sorry for this long ass paragraph but I want you guys to know how much I appreciate you and your support, you guys don't have to read it but scroll till you get to the bolded lettering to get the news and important stuff lmfao)

Hey guys...idk where to start

Look for all of you who have been here sense the beginning thank you for everything, you guys literally mean so much to me, before I didn't feel as accepted. I kept thinking to myself what my worth was. But it's crazy how a few people I don't even know can really seem like you've known them forever. I've been in a gc on insta with ck fan accounts . We've known each other for a while. A couple months. And some of us barley talk to each other personally, but when we do it's like the conversation never ended. We've always had the same energy. I've been struggling to open up and be the real me around people, I feel very insecure, I only have tow people in ma life that I trust and it took me along time to trust them, years.

But these people that I met online. It took me one minute. There have been times where I would try and talk to ma friends about certain things. But I always thought they wouldn't listen, but when I told the gc and them they all had my back. They all listened. And before this I didn't have many friends, but every sense I have join the ck fandom, I've never felt more happy, more accepted. 

These people come from different parts of the world, but were all family to each other. I finally feel like I can be myself around more people. That I don't have to be a certain way, that I don't have to act in a way that people perceive me by. idk if I used that word right lmfao.

But its so weird how for so long its been hard for me to trust people and to make good friends. But in a couple minutes I had many friends. And its's crazy cool how no matter what we all come together. A girl named Jess if you wanna follow her and some others named Hailey, Jazz, Lexi, Kim, Britt, Bree, Emily and so many others they all brought me into this fandom, invited me in. 

Sure we all fight with each other at times and some of us act like we hate each other, at times I thought that we weren't actually friends. But when someone attacks one of us, it's like no matter how many times we insulted each other, we always have each other back.

With these friends I made, I've never felt more accepted, more wanted. We all hype each other up and they have supported me so much. Were always supporting each other. What I love is that they dont hold back, they give it their all in everything. I have never related to anything more in ma life. And outside of the gc yeah we all have enemies, like a lot of enemies, even with each other. But in the end to ME personally, I finally found people I can rely on. 

So idk I wanted to say thank you guys if anyone from the gc is reading this and thank YOU guys for all YOUR support. You guys have made me happy in ways I never thought I could feel. You guys support gave me a bit more courage. And I don't think you know it. So thats why I'm telling you. 

I've been bullied all my life, it was so bad it almost led me to my death. And because of that I have grown a very insecure. Have bad anxiety, trust issues, it really affected my life in good ways and bad ways mostly bad and very low self esteem. I've always dealt with that. 

But you guys and the CK fandom is where I finally feel accepted. For once in my life, I feel accepted for everything I am. Where I don't have to hide, or try and be someone other people want me to be. To change myself so that other people would like me. Thank you for that. Thank you for accepting me and for all your support. I know I have said it many times but I'm serious. I finally found a place where I can be happy, free, where I don't feel trapped, where I don't feel judged, worthless. You guys have changed my perspective a lot. Maybe everyone in the world aint so bad. There are a few nice and good people out there. 

Even now I still feel insecure. And things have gotten worse on my feelings. But that's something I need to work on myself. But thank you for bringing me to where I am so far. Which leads me to this. 

I've been dealing with a lot rn, mentally and physically. Struggling and focusing so much on school. And it's down my motivation for writing if I'm being honest. I have felt inspired. And you guys went out of your way and took time out of your life to send a comment that made me laugh and little by little helped my self esteem a lot. People ACTUALLY like something I do. And that's the best feeling in the world. 

And I know I haven't been very good to you. I've left all of you hanging for a long time, and you don't deserve that. You deserve a lot more cause you guys didn't HAVE to vote on ma stories and didn't have to comment. But you did. 

So I'm sending a sorry to everyone. I'm so sorry I've been inactive, sorry to the people who have requested and haven't gotten them, I still have a lot of you with requests left and I am so sorry. But with everything going on in my life and with school to add on top of it, its become super stressful. And I haven't found the motivation. 

So I'm giving you a heads up, I'm almost done with school, 20 more days and after that I have the whole summer. I'm just trying to get through the troubles I already have. And needed a lot of time to focus on myself. But thank you guys for getting me to where I am, thank you so much for everything. And thank you to the CK fandom for making me feel at home. 

So this summer I am coming back, cause you guys deserve everything. I just need to get school over with for now. But summer is gonna be a new chapter of MANY stories, and ideas to come. I haven't forgotten about you guys. So those of you with request just hang on for 20 more days. Cause I will be coming back hard. Ik I haven't kept my promises. And I'm sorry. But I promise I won't ever let you guys down again. 

But in the meantime thank you and sorry for this long ass paragraph but it needed to be said. And many of you probably forgotten about ma stories and have your own lives to deal with. But I just want you to know you've made a difference in someone else life without even knowing it. So keep doing what you're doing. Cause the CK fandom has made me feel accepted, which is something I never thought I would feel again. So thank you and stay tuned. but idk i kinda like online friends more than real ones lmfao

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