Entry Number Thirty-Six (2/9/2011)

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Dear readers,

I just ate kiwis and then I ate spaghetti and meatballs. Yum!

I brought Graceling and Fire back to the public library today. I borrowed Evolution, Me & Other Freaks of Nature by Robin Brande. I've read it before, but that was last year I think. If not, it was at least last semester. It's a good book.

So yeah... I'm just gonna watch Ray Willam Johnson's newest YouTube video and then I'm planning on watching some more Nabari no Ou.

So ttyl!


It's already 9:05! XO

I have to go take mah early shower 'cause mum wants to watch a movie and wants me to give her a back massage. I also want to be able to read mah book. I'll get back on later tonight.

So mah song iz Crawl by Veltpunch

I actually have a picture today!

Anyway, c ya laterz!

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