Entry Number Forty (2/13/2011)

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Dear readers,

Entry numbah FORTEH!!!

AARRGH I've had yesterday's song in my head for HOURS now. GAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

I've been setting up the storyline for another book. This one is in third person. I think it's promising. The main character's name is Jason Hill. Dunno what it'll be called yet.



I just realized that yesterday I accidently put on my entry title (12/12/2011) instead of (2/12/2011). I just fixed it. 

I'm taking a fifteen(ish) minute break from working on mah project. Maybe I'll watch part of a movie.



OOGLY BOOGLY BOOGLY BOOGLY PANCAKES!!! I have actually said this on multiple occasions. Around my friends. And they just go along with it.

How I love them.

Oh yeah and I meant to mention this yesterday, but guess what my breakfast was yesterday?





























I ate a chocolate brownie in the form of a waffle with melted chocolate icing as the syrup.




I just got back from upstairs. I went up to find something to eat. I did not find anything. I DID, however, find out that I am home alone. I don't know how long I have been alone at home, but I'm guessing quite a while. I  then proceeded to take advantage of my parents not being here by dancing horribly in the living room, making funny faces in the mirror, and singing loudly in the bathroom. 

Today's song is She's a Lady by Tom Jones. I was just singing the song, so I decided it should be today's song. I was originally gonna pick the one with pictures of Keira Knightly 'cause I'm about to start watching Pirates of the Caribbean: At World's End. I like Elizabeth the most in this movie because she stops being such a lady. Ironic, right? But I picked a different video because the sound quality was better and the Keira Knightly one was a bad version with, like, techno or somethin' in the background. I have nothing against techno, but it just didn't mesh well with the song and Tom Jones' voice. You'll get it when you hear it.



I gotta get off now. I might be on later, but either way, I WILL be on tomorrow morning. Though I won't be writing anything here, so it won't make much of a difference to you guyz. I'll be working on mah project.

School tomorrow DX

Anyway, nighty-night.

Dear readers,Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon