Entry Number Eighty-Eight (8/28/2011)

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Dear readers,

For some reason, I'm in the mood to tell you guys a little about what makes me, me.

               10 colorful facts about your #1 favorite person in the world (me):

1. Sometimes I dance to no music at all. 

    If I'm looking for something to eat or a movie to watch, I sometimes dance to make it more interesting. I'll just suddenly start dancing, even if I'm not alone.

2. Despite hating all things that resemble musicals, I like to turn parts of my life into one.

    When I'm home alone, I often sing just for the hell of it. Once I was looking for a bowl for my popcorn and all the only popcorn bowls I could find were too big. I started singing, "These bowls are too big~~~". 

3. I am incredibly perverted.

    I'm addicted to yaoi anime and manga, but that isn't the weird thing. Despite being perverted, I don't masterbate(I have, but only once or twice). Also, I often have wet dreams XP

4. I've never shaved my legs.

5. I like watching people play video games.

    I like playing video games too, but I don't play them as often as I watch. My favorite to watch someone play is Team Fortress 2.

6. I enjoy it when people stare at me like I'm crazy.

    It gives me a female boner(lolz).

7. I like low tech when it comes to video games.

    To me, most of the new games and game systems are crap. I miss the NES, the old mario games and duck hunt. I like gameboy color and advanced better than the SP and the DS and all those other abreviations that I can't remember. I like gamecube WAY more than the WII and the Xbox and all those other systems. 

9. I don't have a cellular phone.

    I don't WAN'T a cellular phone, either. If I ever get one, it'll be for emergency purposes only. I've never texted before, but even without having done so I know that it's not my kind of thing because I much prefer msn and I hate having to resort to abbreviated words other than lol, ttyl and c ya. Also, My long nails would definitely get in the way and I don't want to cut them because the tips of my fingers always feel dry when I don't have long nails. I would rather use a pay phone than a cellular phone.

10. I have the Pokémon theme stuck in my head.

     If you wish to join me in my misery, l've posted a video of it.

Ash -> *turns hat*

Me -> Xo Shit just got serious Xo

Do any of you remember the tamagotchi plushies? I still have all of the ones I had as a kid, and my brother still has all of his.

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