Entry Number Twenty-One (1/25/2011)

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Dear readers,

I actually DID get on today XO

It's 6:10. I actually decided I only really need to study somewhere between 2 and 4 hours. So It's all good. Besides, I have tomorrow morning too.

So yeah, I went to the public library today. I brought back The Naming and borrowed two books. One's called Graceling and the other's called Fire. They're by the same author not sure what the name was I don't have the books down here with me at the moment. I'm currently reading Graceling and it's pretty good so far. I didn't read any of it until I got home though. All I did at the library was look for books, and then when I found these, I played Chess with Brendon and Robert R. who went there with me. I lost every time. lolz a bunch of people wearing glasses playing chess in a public library after an exam how nerdy is that? lolz

I got home early today. My bus driver from back in middle school picked us up at 2. My old school has a system where 2-3 is when there are after-school activities. There are 2 o'clock buses and 3 o'clock buses. 

It's going to be like that all week. Which is why when mum comes home I'm gonna ask her if she can pick me up tomorrow. I want to go to Grecko after all, I don't want to have to hurry to get on the bus. So I'll probably just find a friend who's house I can go to after school and tell mum where their house is and she can pick me up there. 

So yeah, I did my English exam today. It was the exam I was most worried about but actually it wasn't all that difficult. So that's good.

Tomorrow's exam is Modern History. I have to look through my project AND my notes. I'll have to look through my notes on both the French and Industrial Revolutions along with the first world war. Ick.

Anyway, I'm gonna go now, so c ya!


P.S. I'm gonna be watching America's Next Top Model until somewhere between 7 and 8. I'll probably do some studying in between episodes too.


Okay, it's 9:44 and I've been studying but I haven't gotten nearly enough done, so I'm getting off(no distractions).

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