Entry Number Nineteen (1/23/2011)

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Dear readers,

Sry I didn't message again after that yesterday. It was 6:09 when I finished episode 79 of Naruto and mum was getting ready to go to work, so if I didn't get off, she'd catch me on the computer and that would definitely NOT be good.

I thought for sure Mark would be pissed at me for being on so late last night, especially since he had to wake up early for church. But nope, his mode was actually even better that it usually is on Sundays(AKA not so good).

I finished City of Bones. I was secretly hoping that Clary would end up with Alec. Funny enough, this started AFTER I found out his little secret. I guessed it before but I wasn't sure and didn't really like him, but when I knew, I actually saw the reasons for his actions more and now I like his character XD

But yeah, It's 2:16 right now and Dad brought Mark back to where he stays when he's attending college a while ago. He should be back soon, I think. I shouldn't be on right now, shouldn't be on until 5, and when dad is home he'll see(and here, since I'm listening to music while singing and later I'll be watching more Naruto) that I'm on, but whatever. It's not like he'll get mad or anything.

Now I kind of regret finishing the book so fast. Now tomorrow will be so boring(no school tomorrow 'cause I don't have an exam). I mean, it's not like I can spend all day studying an exam, lat alone an ENGLISH exam. Meh. I'll find something to do.

I've noticed that lately I haven't been writing much here lately. So I'm going to add this(it's from my OhMyDollz account that I haven't gone on in forever. It is slightly edited):

About me:

Country: Canada

First Language: English

Second Language: French

Other Languages: I know plenty of Japanese, a bit of Spanish, Italian and German, and a couple words here and there in other languages.

Favorite fruit: Mango, Blackberries

Hated fruit: Cherries

Occupation: Funemployed. In high school.

Hobbies: Anime, Manga, eating, sleeping, being random XP

Hair: Blond

Eyes: Dark Blue, grey blue, green blue, Tealor brown+blue together

Wears: glasses, hair usually down

Likes: candy!!!(and other stuff)    

Favorite Board Game: Scrabble

Zodiac year: Dog (loyal, faithful, stubborn, respectful, self reliant, truthful, clever)

Zodiac sign: Sagittarius (Creative, clever, straightforward, social, independent, free spirited, charming, honest, inquisitive, outgoing, pushy, blunt, impatient)

Born: 11/27/94

Superpower I Would Love to Have: To be able to go through anything(like Kitty Pryde from X-Men)

Favorite Countries: Japan, Canada

 Provinces I've been to: PE,NB,ON,QC,NS

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