Entry Number Eighty-Five (7/4/2011)

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Dear readers,


Sorry I missed Canada Day, but I just didn't feel like writing.

Plus I was finishing up a One Piece marathon. I watched all the episodes(skipping boring parts, filler episodes and flashbacks) of One Piece in less than a week and a half. It was fun. And you know what? I slept every night. difficult to believe, right?

Anyway, after finishing that I watched all of Durarara!! for the first time. Let me tell you, that is an amazing anime.

Anyway, the reason I felt like writing here today is because I just imagined the best toy ever. It's a big panda toy. When you press it's paw, it's eyes glow red, claws come out from the inside of it's paws and it says "BEWARE MAN-EATING PANDAS" with a pointy-teethed grin and a really deep voice.

Awesome, right? 

I wish they existed and I wish I had one. Maybe I should design toys when I graduate...

Anyway, I'm pretty sure there was something else I wanted to say...

Oh right! My decision about my new hair-do!

Okay, so right now, my hair is somewhere between blond and light brown and it reaches my boobs.

So anyway it's gonna be cut short (Probably shorter in the back, longer in front. Shortest will be about 2 and a half inches) and I'm dyeing my hair a plum-ish dark red. Not super dark red though. Like medium-ish dark.

This is a big change for me, because I've never died my hair before. I've actually cut it shorter than this before though. In the sixth grade my hair was like a centimeter long. Not by my choice though. It was supposed to be at least 2 inches, and I asked for that length, but the bitch fucked it up. Let me tell you, I was not happy AT ALL. Thankfully, my hair grew long again pretty fast.

I watched inception for the first time the other day. That is one amazing movie. One of my favorites.



By the way, I forgot to mention a couple of things.

It might take me a while to figure out what I'm going to write in the next chapter of The Book of Random. I am usually surrounded by my friends, but since it's Summer Break and I live in the middle of nowhere, I am not. This greatly reduces the amount of random conversations and inside jokes that my mind goes through, resulting in a significant drop in randomness. 

Another thing I forgot to mention is that I might end up starting a new story almost as easy to write about as Dear Readers,. I probably won't start it any time soon, but I'll tell you about it anyway. It'll be called "For Argument's Sake" and it'll basically be me, stating my thoughts and opinions about things, and giving arguments againts wide-spread ideas that I disagree with. Any topic will most likely have room for discussion. The reason I said that it will be almost as easy as coming up with something to write here is because I LOVE arguing, and I'm usually very good at it. I could come up with an argument in my sleep, and I have. Those ones are actually especially good, because I've won many arguments with stuff I came up with in one of my dreams.

Please give suggestions as to some topics you'd like to be covered in "For Argument's Sake"


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