Entry Number Seven (1/11/2011)

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Dear readers,

Good Morning! It's currently 6:35AM. I got up early because I decided to translate my project after all, but I had difficulty picking out the things that where most important(All of it seems important to me) and It seems I suck at this translating thing. So I gave up. 

I would normally be in the bathroom(we have two, both are upstairs, one is used by the girls in the family and the other is used by the guys- so they don't accidentally come across some girly products PX) right now.

It's still dark out, and on a day where there isn't school, I would still consider this yesterday, but there IS school and therefore it is today(does that make sense? It does in my head, but I'm not sure if you guys will get my meaning). And that is why I put this on a new entry.

I'm really worried about that project. I hope to god presentation aren't today. But no matter how hard I try, the translations just don't seem to work. Sarah is better at French, so she'll probably do a better job. And I don't think either Josh or Sara will blame me for it, their both pretty nice and pretty quiet people(unlike me). Now I'm not so anxious about it(I was before) because I know I at least tried.

I think I'm going to be writing the next thing I have to say on paper, 'cause I most likely won't have access to a computer the next time I wanna write('cause I'll probably be in class) so I'll just type it out when I get home. Sound good? Oh and I'll pick my song and picture this afternoon.

Anyway, I'm gonna go read some manga while listening to the radio on my mp3 player, so buhbye!


[This was originally written at school on paper] [It's currently 5:15]

I'z back! XD

When I type this up it'll be approximately five o'clock.

Right now, however, It is1:50 and I'm in study block. Our school has a half-hour period between period D and F where we're supposed to study or do our schoolwork. The only reason I'm not getting in trouble for not working is because they probably think I'm writing down a rough draft or something for a project. 

I'm writing in blue pen and my writing is really messy(though that''s only because I'm quickwriting, I can be really neat if I want to). So far I've scribbled out 15 things. Mostly places where I wrote the wrong word or letter. Sometimes I write the start of a sentence, but then the end of the sentence doesn't go with it so I end up scribbling it out and writing a new start. I did that for the "The only reason I'm not getting in trouble..." sentence.

[I'm taking a break from typing for a few minutes here to read some manga]

[okay, end of break, not sure how long it was, but whatever]

I wrote the majority of my first two chapters of Project Chrysalis in this class. All of it was written on looseleaf with this pen.

Some people just came in the class to talk about some tribute thingy they're doing for these guys from my school who died. It's tomorrow during lunch. I doubt I'll go, 'cause I didn't know any of them and it would just feel awkward.

I love that word. Awkward. XP

I am now on the back of the sheet of looseleaf. "during" was the first word on this side.

My fingers are still full of paint from Art class XD Art was the second class I had today. 

I went to Grecko during lunch today PX Yummmmm... I had 4 slices of pepperoni and cheese pizza(the large ones). I could have eaten more If I'd had something to drink.

By the way, it turns out we still have a couple days to work on the Modern History project! YAYZ!!!

I just have to do a couple edits when I get home(which I will be when I type this up) and leave the translating to Sara and then we're all done! 

[Taking another break here, it's 6:05]

(It's is currently 9PM, it took me so long to start again because for some reason all of my Entries disappeared and I had to salvage them from the internet history- Thank god I haven't erased it in forever -and the reason I switched from square bracket is because the laptop keyboard changed to French again. I've decided that from now on, I'm going to save all of my entries just in case. For some reason now it shows two Dear Readers, on my profile page. Now back to the writing!)

When you read this, I will have probably already dumped my boyfriend, Ethan. I started dating him at the very end of the school Christmas formal(for some reason, at least two thirds of the people there were wearing purple, even the guys). It was a momentary lapse of judgement when I asked him out. You know those very, very, VERY fleeting crushes? This was one of those. So when I get home, I'm sending him a facebook  private note saying it's over. Though it barely even started lolz

(It feels so weird typing stuff that already happened in present tense. Okay then, on to the next page)

Cruel right? I know, but Ethan is just too good a guy for me to be able to say that kind of thing to his face.

Though truthfully, I'm not sorry at all for hurting him. I mean, he said "I love you" to me! We'd only been dating for like a week! My last boyfriend, Justin L.(AKA frenchy), wasn't a very touchy feely person, much like me, so luckily I never had that problem. He WAS, however, incredibly annoying. He was my friend before I dated him and he still is. With Jeremy, on the other hand(the boyfriend before Justin), I did come across this problem. ON THE VERY DAY WE STARTED GOING OUT!!!

Anyway, I'm in my math class ryt now, so I gotta go, c ya!


So anyway, today's song is Qu'est-ce que t'attends? by Caroline Néron('cause the keyboard keeps on going French on me) and the picture will be the one I added to the end of my break up e-mail to Ethan.

Anyway, ttyl

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