Entry Number Ninety-Two (4/5/2012)

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Hiya guys!

I'm sorry I haven't written you in such a long time!

I've just had so much to do. As you know, I'm in the twelfth grade right now, and I've been busy with Uni applications and scholarship applications and homework and projects.

I've decided the Uni I'm going to, but I can't tell you without giving away my location. I've gotten 2 scholarships with a combined value of 14,000CAD, and I'm applying to another.

My last entry was shortly before by birthday, so I'm 17 now!

 Right now I'm in French class, and I'm trying to come up with a topic for this thing called "Préparation à l'évaluation de la compétence orale des élèves de français langue second". There's a sort of test at the end of teh year to see our proficiency level in French, and this is practice for it. I should probably be writing it right now, but I just can't think of anything. I'm supposed to write about a memorable event or experience.

So... do I write about the time I went to the Tim Horton's camp in Parry Sound? Or the one in Tatamagouch? Do I write about my grade 8 trip to Québec city? Or possibly my one of those long anual trips to visit my siblings in PEI? Or possibly something that's NOT a vacation?

The problem is, I haven't a clue.

So I just wanted to share my cluelessness with you.

Ciao lovies!

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