Entry Number Six (1/10/2011)

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Dear readers,

I've been on for about an hour now, I'm actually working on my Modern History project! Big shocker right? But if I don't finish it today then I'm SCREWED. Unless we have the luck of presenting our project last or close to last(There definitely be more than one day of presentations 'cause there are at least 3 people per group- I'm the only one who isn't done all of their work in mine - and they joined the core English and French immersion classes- I'm in immersion - and our groups have to be mixed between the two). That would be very lucky. 

So anyway, I still need to find some pictures for the slide show(which I'm definitely not looking forward to, since the project is about genocide), organize all my information, put it on the system we're using, then paraphrase and translate to French what I paraphrase and add that to the end of the English part.

Sarah was supposed to do the paraphrasing and translating, but I guess I'm going to have to do it in the end... Ah well.

I'm writing this WHILE working on my project, which is why it's taking me so long. It's been about 15 minutes since I started this entry.

At least I THINK the presentations start tomorrow. Jess(mah best friend) is in the other class(though not in my group) and said she wasn't sure either, though she's worse than me with this kind of thing. I procrastinate. She slacks. That kind of thing.  

One sec, gotta go upstairs to dry the dishes DX


I'z back! Luckily there weren't many dished(probably 'cause mums at work and Mark's not here).

It occurred to me while I was upstairs that this project probably won't actually take that long XD I hope I'm right.

My song today is gonna be the Portal Credits song, Still Alive. The Pic'll be... a funny pie chart.

Anyway, c ya, I'll get back to you if there's anything new.


It's 8:45 and I've gotta get off 'cause mum's rushing me. I still feel kind of sick from looking at those pictures. I 'll be back on later, 'cause I still need to re-word and organise stuff, translate stuff, and put the pictures I saved earlier onto the site. 

Anyway, c ya later!


It is currently 12:10 and I got on about 15 minutes ago. Kinda worried whether or not I'll be able to finish it. Gotta get up at 6-ish tomorrow morning for school(I live like an hour away by bus from the school I go to). Not looking forward to it DX Mostly cause that means I only have like 3 hours to work if I want to get some sleep. Though me going without any sleep wont be the first time. Meh

Anyway ttyl(maybe)


I've decided that, since translation was Sarah's job, I'm not gonna do it! Hope to god we end up presenting at a later time or that tomorrow isn't the actual presentation day.

Anyway ttyl again


Hiyaz! It's 2:30 and I'm back to write some more. Since I came to the conclusion that I'm not doing someone else's work, I'm almost done! Just gotta upload some of those photos then I'm done! XD

By the way, "Hiyaz" is the way I usually greet people online, I don't do it in person, 'cause it sounds... I dunno, dumb? lolz anyway, next topic.

My whole leg was feeling numb earlier. And right after that, it had that prickly feeling. You know that feeling? I love it. And at the same time it's annoying... weird huh?

GAWD these pictures are taking FOREVER to upload!

Ah well, I guess I'll just read some manga in the meantime(preferably yaoi, better to take my mind off those gruesome pictures that'll probably give me nightmares when or if I go to sleep)

So yeah... c ya!


It's 3:10 and I'M DONE!!! YAYZ!!!

Think I'll stay on for a bit tho, just until I get those pictures that make me sad and angry and sick to my stomach out of my head.

If you wanna c mah project so far, go to the External link that I'm about to add on.

C ya laterz alligatorz! (reminds me of Ketut Lier from Eat Pray Love)

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