Entry Number Ninety-Five (4/26/2012)

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Dear readers,

I'm in journalism class.

Yes, I never seem to be doing any work in this class. The thing is, the teacher's never hear and all she does is give us a shitload of work, most of which she's never going to mark. Which is why, until I'm told which of the things she's going to mark, I don't plan on doing much of anything. There's really no point, because I'll end up working hard doing something and then she won't even be marking it.

I'm not liking Englih class lately either. We're in the poetry section, which I usually love, but the thing is, we don't get to write any actual poetry. Nope, all we do the whole time is read poetry and learn how to interpret it. It really sucks, especially considering we're writing poetry in French class right now. And since it's in French, I can't write with the same fluidity that I can when I write in English.

I complain a lot to you guys, don't I? It's nice to be able to write this, because otherwise I would be annoying my friends with this everyday and I'm pretty sure they would get fed up with it quickly enough.

I've been drawing a lot of clothing designs lately. In class. I plan on posting them all on my online portfolio whenever I get the chance.

I posted a link to that portfolio a long time ago, but I highly doubt any of you checked it out. if you do, make sure to give me some feedback, k? I have this contact thing on the sight, but the only person who's ever actually sent me anything through it is my teacher DX

I know this is shameless self-promotion, but here's the link:


Gaahhhh sudden headache, the god of shamelessness must be punishing me!


I'm supposed to be working on this captioning project thingy, but the problem is that I have absolutely zero captioning skills.

I'm happy that I took this course though, because now I know that I don't want to be a journalist. Journalists have to be unbiased, and I am much to opinionated to be capable of that.

I'm much better off being a writer.

Of course, I know you guys are probably pretty scepticle on whether I can be a good writer because of how long it takes for me to upload a new chapter on my stories, but the thing about that is, I never have the time. When I'm not at school, I like to relax. When I'm finished with school for good, and I've graduated Uni, I'll have much more time to write.

I kind of wish I could just upload the powerpoints here and have you guys do that work for me, because I'm so lazy and I just don't want to do it. But there's no way any of you guys would do that DX

Oooohhhh class is almost over, and it'll be study block so I'll be free to draw without the teacher telling me to do work. The only reason I'm getting away with this is because I'm typing and it looks like I'm doing work.

I've got to log off now.


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