Entry Number Twelve (1/16/2011)

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Dear readers,

Good evening(it's 5:35)! I had to go to church this morning DX since it's Sunday. ICK. So BORING. Anyway, so when I got back I did some more reading, and then I started writing. I was initially planning on working on Project Chrysalis, but ended up writing the introduction for my zombie apocalypse story. It haz zombies like the ones from my scary nightmare that I told you guys about. It's going to be called Relax! Ironicly enough. You'll understand why eventually. I'm going to put that up as soon as I finish this. I also started a sort of theme song for Slain Academy. I'm not finished, but compared to other songs that I've attempted to write, it looks promising.

GAH! Time to work on MH homework(French bad copy for opinion piece due tomorrow, but I didn't catch what it was about, so what can I do?)! DX Now I have to start thinking in french DX (My MH class is in french) 

I started that little para there a long time ago. I was busy making a new facebook account because I maxed out the name limit. Woops. It's currently 6:20. I really need to get to work on that sheet.

So, c ya! 


It's currently 8:20 and GAWD is this BORING!!! DX DX DX I've barely even gotten anything done, too. I'm going to end up having to work on this later on tonight DX maybe tomorrow during lunch too DX I'm taking my shower early today, 'cause mum wants to watch a movie when I get out... BOOOOOOO!!! DX DX DX


I just realized that handing it in is going to have to wait until after lunch anyway. Our printer barely has enough ink to print a sentence. 


I'z back!!! Tis' 12:30. Anyway, luckily I finished the part that I think was the longest(on my MH homework) so the rest shouldn't take TOO long... I hope 


It's1:45 and I'M DONE!!! The site she gave to find the answers was surprisingly interesting. 

I'm currently talking to Justin L. on msn. He talks a LOT. As much as me. Ah well, keeps me occupied. 

I don't usually go on msn. I'm just on now 'cause I'm kinda bored but I don't feel like getting off quite yet...

I should probably pick a song and picture now, shouldn't I?...

OK... the homework I was doing had to do with war, so I pick a demotivational with stupid person in tank.

And... The Humans are Dead by Flight of the Concords.

Anyway, I don't feel like writing any more than this today, so I will c you guyz tomorrow!

Dear readers,Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora