Entry Number Fifty-Three (2/26/2011)

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Dear readers,

I didn't say goodbye yesterday, did I? Woops.

I forgot.

Anyway, it's 1:51 ryt now, and I got on at 1:30. Which means I'm getting off at 6:30. 

So yeah... I'm gonna be watching the movie I Am Legend and reading One Piece, so c ya laterz!



Just finished watching I Am Legend. It was scary, and yet it was touching. Wow. First time I ever watched a movie like that. I loved it.



I've decided that I want to watch One Piece the anime instead of reading the manga. From the start, BTW. But before that, I think I'm gonna watch ANTM some more.



Starting new season of ANTM.



Actually, I've decided to watch the season who's winner I was routing for from the very start, and she's my favorite winner. The winner from season 13.



I'm getting off now... a bit late... I'll probably be back on tonight.

Church tomorrow DX



I'z back on!!! XD 

I think I'm gonna continue watching season 13 now... yeah. I'll do that.

I put mah YouTube profile here originally, but it looked all messed up in the preview no matter how much I tried to fix it, so I got rid of it.

Anyway, ttyl!



I ended up only watching two episodes because I was reading manga... meh.

A friends posted a video on Facebook and I watched it. It was awesome. So it is today's video. Lots of swearage.

Anyway, it's late, and I gotta get up early tomorrow morning, so I'm going to bed now.


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