Entry Number Fifty-Six (3/1/2011)

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Dear readers,


Yayzz!!! XD

So happee!

I won't be on as long as I was yesterday, because then dad'll be VERY angry. And that's no good.



I was on up there ^ pretty early in the morning, not sure exactly when I went on, but I got off at approximately 8:45. I only thought of sayin' ttyl after I was already off of the computer. I was reading the manga Wolf Guy. It's really good. I'll probably read some more after I'm done writing this.

So anyway, guess what I was doing in the 2(ish) hours between when I got off and now? I was finger painting! 'Twaz fun. My hands are all dry now though from washing them every once in a while so my nails don't stain. Oh well. It was fun. And the result was prettyfulz. I always combine my art with music, so I was listening to the radio and dancing(horribly) to the music while painting. My main colors were green, blue, white and purple. The purple doesn't show up as much though, so it's mainly the three other colors.

It's March 1st!!! Guess what that means!

I bet you don't know!









































It's means it's my brother, Mark's birthday!

Happee Birthday Marco Polo!



Eatin' Kraft Dinner X3



I'm so ANGRY!!! DX DX DX My second and third favorite guy characters in Wolf Guy were right kool, BUT NOW THEY'RE JUST CRAZY!!! GAHHHHHHH!!! At least Inugami is still good.

Oh! Also, one thing I like about this manga is that even though the main girl character has humongous tits, she's not a ditz! XD



Awww, now one of those guys turned into a monster and the other guy's sanity returned and he got all self-righteous and killed the now-monster other guy DX I don't blame him for the killing part, but I really wish he wouldn't have gotten all self-righteous. DX

Mum bought me Ring-Pops X3



Finished reading Wolf Guy up to the last chapter that's been uploaded so far. Gonna continue watching One Piece now.



Forgot to mention it earlier, but before starting watching Wolf Guy today, I read the story Nerd Gone Bad by neyoroxdx up to the seventh chapter, which is the last chapter that has been posted so far. It's a great story so far.  c x



I've decided! I don't WANT to wish upon a star! I wanna wish upon a COW!



Just finished episode 8 of One Piece. Finished mah 3 Ring-Pops a while ago.

I'm getting off now... I was actually on quite a bit longer than I was supposed to... Oh well.

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