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Grandma Maria tossed Uncle Malcolm like tossing a pillow. As expected of the last boss, she has all of my respect.

"You always do that mother-in-law. You're so cruel" Malcolm whined like a child.

Grandma bent down and picked me up in her arms in an experienced way.

Meanwhile Clive had arranged the camellia flowers in their usual spot. I guess he became an expert after doing it every day, since he did it on his own without mom's help.

When our eyes met, he looked at me like stars that shine in the sky.

Ah, I wanna pinch those chubby cheeks. I'm barely holding myself in.

I wonder how it would be to watch him cry. I have to keep this in mind for future execution.

I tried to reach out to him as best as I could. But it was just me flapping my arms like a baby bird learning to fly.

"Awwww....... look how she's trying to reach Clive. So cute" exclaimed Malcolm as he got up from the floor.

Maria bent down so she could level up to Clive.

And as soon as she did that the baby reached out her hand and touched Clive's cheek.

Clive covered her little hand on his cheek with his. There was a fresh tint of red blush on his face.


"Baron Howard watch your conduct" Maria raised her eyebrows visibly annoyed.

At this rate Malcolm was bound to be thrown out any minute now. He does look like a very large brown dog when he's like this.

He's got the same brown hair and azure eyes like my mom, but God took the brains away during creation.

"Would you like to hold her, Clive?" Maria asked Clive. He had been staring at her the whole time she was holding Angelica.

The little boy nodded his head furiously.

Maria passed Angelica to Clive. She was still supporting him from behind as she taught him how to hold a baby.

Clive listened to her attentively as he tried to hold Angelica. He did not want to drop her the first time he got to hold her.

'This kid is not bad for a first timer. Careful there bro my head is still unsteady. Right now, my head is no different from a bobblehead toy.'

"Hold her head gently. Yes just like that"

"Like thiz"

"Yes Clive. You're doing great" said Maria looking at Clive trying his best. She let go of her hand so he could hold her on his own.

The baby looked at his face for some time before she grabbed hold of a lock of hair with her tiny hands. Clive stiffened for a moment at the sudden development. He tried his best not to move as he started trembling.

"Gu gu gu ah"

Suddenly Angelica started giggling loudly, chewing on her chu chu and refusing to let go of Clive's hair. Her clench tightened and became strong that Clive feared she would pull out his hair.

"She loves you Clive. Oh my! look at you" said Rosaline, looking at Clive's face which was as red as a tomato.

"I wove you too" Clive blushed. He looked down unable to contain his embarrassment.

"And I wove you three" said Malcolm as he caught the siblings in a bear hug.

He removed the chu chu from Angelica's mouth.

'Gimme back my chu chu'

"Say you love your Uncle Malcolm, Angelica. Don't you love your Uncle?"

Malcolm tried to play with Angelica, who was glaring at him.

"Sister can I have her?" he asked Rosaline, suddenly turning serious.

" gu gu gu" 'Let go you idiot'

Still in Malcolm's embrace, Angelica tapped her hands on his head as fiercely as she could.

"Hands off my grandchildren" Maria pulled him away. She knew he was a little loose on the head. She only let him see Angelica because he was Rosaline's brother and Angelica's maternal uncle.

Otherwise, he would be hanging upside down on the training ground in place of the dummies the knights use for practice.

Malcolm reluctantly let go and got to his feet. Suddenly his face lit up. He had just made up a brilliant idea.

"Then how about an exchange. I'll give you one of my sons in exchange for An-An" He proudly declared.

He looked at Rosaline thinking he made a brilliant suggestion only to get thrown out of the window by Maria.

'This idiot........ Well he had it coming' Angelica sighed.

'Now watch me effortlessly get rid of this 'butt floater'......kekeke'

"Waaahh waaahhh" Angelica started wailing.

Clive was startled.

He was surprised by her sudden outburst and started tearing up, thinking it was his fault that she started crying.

"It's not your fault Clive" Rosaline patted Clive's head.

"Give her to me Clive" She took Angelica in her arms and tried to calm her down.

"Waaaaah" But it was to no avail as the child continued crying at the top of her lungs.

Maria followed Angelica's line of sight and noticed her looking at the charm hung on its top. Her cries got louder whenever she looked at it.

Maria understood that the baby was feeling uncomfortable by the thing brought by Malcolm. If it was not working as it was intended to then it was best to get rid of it.

"And this too" Maria removed the charm hanging on Angelica's crib and threw it out the window, the same way she tossed Malcolm.

Malcolm, who had just gotten to his feet, was cleaning the dirt on his pants, got his head hit by the charm on the back of his head.

"Gah hu hu" Angelica chuckled on seeing him get hit.

'Serves you right'

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