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Angelica and Danny continued to chat about miscellaneous things. He even gave her the recipe for his soup free of charge, which made her tear up in happiness.

Angelica was laying on the floor near the fireplace with Mimi on top of her. She was teaching the puppy how to give a high five the same way she did when Chirpy was a pup.

"Now raise your paw in the air and boop. That's how you do a high five" 


Mimi jumped excitedly.

Angelica had decided to rest for a while after thinking about the hectic day she went through.

She had to recharge her depleted energy so she could enact her plans for the next few days without any hindrances.

Even if she did not want to accept it, it was evident that it would take more than a normal person to relax the way she was, after having climbed up a mountain under extreme conditions and going on a killing spree right after.

"Ah!" Danny exclaimed as if he remembered something, in the midst of cleaning the dinner table with a piece of cloth.

"About the guards, you mentioned earlier"

Angelica perked upon hearing his words. She raised her body up using her elbows as support until she could see the back of his head. 

Mimi licked her face, startled by the sudden movement. She had been stuck to Angelica like glue since after they had dinner.

"I saw at least a hundred knights in armor marching towards the mountain..."

He continued wiping the table without looking back.

"Whatever needed to be found. Has been found"

"Oh..." Angelica laid back again and sighed.

She stayed the same way for a few minutes till Danny came back after finishing the cleaning.

He was a meticulous and hard worker, who practiced cleanliness just as much. The room sparkled like stars after he was done cleaning.

"Are you staying for the night?" He asked Angelica, sitting down next to her.

"No..." Angelica replied with tiredness in her voice, her arms spread wide and staring at the ceiling.

"Although I'd love to stay and play" 

She patted Mimi's head who in turn nudged her head against Angelica's hand.

"I have places to be. So..." She turned towards Danny and added,

"I need a horse"

Danny contemplated on what to say.

Judging from the state of the bloody clothes Angelica incinerated on the fireplace and the army of knights parading towards the mountain where she descended from, he could more or less guess that her life is or was in danger.

And from the looks of it, the blood didn't belong to her since she had no injuries aside from a few scratches on her arm. The peculiar color of her hair was also eye-catching.

He could surmise that she was a noble lady on the run and a crazy one at that. And that the knights were somewhat related to her.

'They are definitely after her. No... scratch that' Danny shook his head to get rid of his thoughts.

He could feel it in his instincts that she was not a bad person. It was the same when he first saw her by the mountain.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have helped her even if she had offered him more money.

Surviving As A Cannon FodderWhere stories live. Discover now