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We walked through the flower arch towards the lake situated on the other side of the garden.

There was an awkward silence among us.

I was walking ahead of the group not knowing what to say.

Adam and Adelaide were to my right whereas Clive was to my left. The twin disasters along with Bryan were walking behind us.

"You see that thing over there. That's a tree. It produces the oxygen you're breathing so value it since it's your life that's on the line"

I started saying stuff to break the uncomfortable atmosphere.

"Beyond the lake towards the left is the greenhouse. It's where we keep most of the man-eater plants. So it's best if we avoid it"

I think I look like an idiot.

"They get spooked by large crowds and now's probably the feeding time"

I definitely look like an idiot.

Just why the hell am I the tour guide?

"That's a tree too but it doesn't eat people. Ah..... that one's a tree too. And what's beneath our feet is called grass. You can eat them in case you're hungry. They're edible" I said, pointing to the ground.

I'm losing my mind. I don't know what to say to kids.

I swear Clive can be utterly useless at times like this.Grrrr...I can see the twins snickering at me.

Those loonies! Just you wait!

Not to mention Adam has been looking my way or rather sneaking glances for a while now. Whereas his sister looks like she's gonna pounce on me any minute. She is like a cat with all its hair standing up on guard.

I'm just gonna ask him.

But how should I address him? Our mom's told us to be casual so I'm just gonna call him by his first name.

"Adam if you have something to say. Just say it" We halted our mini march as I turned towards him.

He flinched at my sight and turned his face away.

*cough* *cough*

"You look........" Adam said in a low voice

"Come again. I didn't hear you"

"You look cu......"

"We can't hear you" smirked Tristan, looking like he was plotting something.

"I SAID YOU LOOK WEIRD" Adam yelled.

All of us were staring at him dumbfounded when he yelled again.

"YOU LOOK WEIRD!" His face was red till the tip of his ears.

"We heard you clear the first time. You didn't have to yell it again. But still thank you"

Elliot walked up to Adam and patted his shoulder.

"Your courage will be remembered"

"What remembered?" Adam asked back confused.

"I look weird? Can you please enlighten me on that Mr. Oh so handsome"

I tried my best to smile when I asked him that.

I was controlling myself but veins on my forehead started popping out uncontrollably.

I clenched my trembling fists.

I promised to be on my best behavior today. So I have to hold it in.

Hold it in......

"Your head looks like a spider's nest!" Adam said with a beet-red face and turned his face away from me. But was still taking sideways glances.


The thin thread that held my sanity snapped.

"Well.............." I smiled.

Screw best behavior

"Your head looks like a rat poo........oomph" I couldn't finish my sentence.

Standing behind me, Clive covered my mouth with his hand. He was holding me down.


"That was a very rude statement Adam. Apologize to my sister" Clive said in a matter-of-fact voice.

"My brother didn't say anything wrong, did he? He was just stating the facts" Adelaide puffed her cheeks defending her brother.

"It does look like a spider's nest" The bright yellow dress she was wearing made her resemble a red cat with a yellow ribbon around its neck.

"I told you coming here was worth it"

"Yeah. They never disappoint to entertain us"

Tristan and Elliot were talking in a casual manner with quiet Bryan standing in between them.

They look like they're enjoying the show.

"OUCH!" Clive yelled when I bit his hand with all my strength. He released his hold on me and was blowing on his wounded hand.


Clive whined, but I ignored him and walked up to Adam.

Now, where were we again?

Surviving As A Cannon FodderWhere stories live. Discover now