Chapter 163

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'Dear Grandma...

A lot of things have changed since you left. The weather was harsh for the first few days and there was a thick layer of snow in our County for a very long time.

I moved to our cabin with Chirpy to spend some time alone. The fresh air in the mountain and the quiet environment was just what I needed.

One day I woke up in the capital and learned I was married. Surprise!

Clive, Tristan, and Elliot had a hand in it. My new husband was cursed. He had been asleep for months even before we were married.

Stuff happened and people tried to kill me. Turns out my new husband had a lot of enemies. So I escaped, faked my own death, and left the capital.

I met Grandpa Gilbert along the way. Threatened Clive, consoled Mom and Dad, and straightened things with Tristan and Elliot if you know what I mean.

I traveled across Orion and eventually crossed borders into Velven. I found a new home in a small beastmen village here. I made a lot of new friends. I'm also part of their mercenary group now.

The Nero mercenaries are quite an interesting bunch. You would have loved them.

Raeden and Jade are the only responsible adults in our pack. Raeden is brooding all the time and Jade is grumpy all the time. The latter is mostly because of me and the twins Noah and Oliver.

The twins and I have become inseparable. Wherever we go we are always together. The villagers started calling us troublemakers after an incident with the local Lord's son.

I tried my best to adopt the Leveret siblings Eugene and Bea. Eugene thinks I'm crazy for even suggesting the idea. But deep down I think he loves it. He is just too embarrassed and prideful to accept.

Years have passed since then. I'm finally back in Orion for a job. After completing this job, I will return back to the village to take some vacation time.

Everything is going just as I wanted. I couldn't be more happier.

I miss home from time to time. I miss Mom, Dad, Clive, Chirpy, the Knights, our butler, the servants... I miss them all.

I miss you the most. I miss hiking for hours in the Finnel mountains with Chirpy running loose and staying up late in the cabin wrapped up in a blanket before a cozy fire.

Once things in the capital settle down, I'll go back to our home and everything will be just like it used to be.

Oh! Right!

Before I forget...'

Angelica opened her eyes and muttered,

"I f*cked up"

The jig was up.

After the world-shattering reveal that shook her to the core, Edward pulled a chair for Angelica to sit in. Then he led her by the hand and gently nudged her to take a seat. 

In a dazed state, Angelica limply followed his actions without putting up a fight. Even if she was in the room physically it was clear that her mind was elsewhere.

But before they could talk further the two were interrupted by a knock on the door.

"My apologies for the intrusion, Your Grace. Its Nathaniel. There is an urgent message from the Imperial Palace"

At first, Edward ignored the knock. But when Nathaniel persisted, Edward grunted and reached for the doorknob.

While a shell-shocked Angelica was still processing everything, Nathaniel and Edward spoke for a few seconds following which Edward exited the dining hall with a grim expression on his face.

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