Chapter 103

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"Remind me why are they here again?"

Noah asked Ann, confused by the unexpected lineup of people waiting to have dinner.

Ann stopped in the middle of adding Killium spice to the soup boiling in the pot and raised her eyebrows.

Behind Noah a little distance away she could see Gallahan, Will, Kalan, and Ezra seated in a row in front of the fire, each wearing a different expression.

Since they were cooking Ann and Noah were away from the gang, enough to faintly hear them talk.

While Kalan was calm as usual, trapped in his own world, Gallahan was describing the aesthetics of courtship to Jade, while Ezra and Raeden were seriously discussing the verification process to Orion, leaving an anxious Will on his own.

As to why so many people were added to their little circle was because when Ann and Kalan were returning to the camp they unexpectedly ran into the Grandfather grandson duo along with Ezra, who was searching for his master.

After Ann mentioned about Kalan having dinner with the Nero mercenaries, Gallahan insisted on joining them, and together they all came to the campsite, much to the surprise of the others.

"The weather in Orion must be nice this time of the year. Must be a great time to conduct tournaments..."


"Do merchants in Orion deal with ancient relics as part of their trade?"


"Not so talkative huh?"


Although Will tried to start a conversation with him, Kalan remained still like a stone unyielding to his approach. Not only Will, but even Gallahan failed in attempting to pull him into their conversation.

Ann knew Kalan was not a talkative person in general. He had a lot of patience considering how he patiently withstood her constant squabbles with Eugene without even the slightest discomfort. All he did was spectate their fights with an expressionless face.

In fact, Kalan had the aura of someone with a lot of baggage holding him down, the same as herself which made her feel pity for him.

"He was all Emo and I felt bad. So I invited him to join us for dinner. And the rest just tagged along. There's nothing better to lift someone's spirit up than delicious food" Ann said looking at them, her hand still suspended on top of the pot holding the spice sprinkler.

"Besides it won't do us bad to be on good terms with our employers"

Noah frowned, skeptical of her words. If anything he was worried about them making it out alive after dinner.

Although she had good intentions in inviting them to dinner, Ann didn't consider the fact that she was a terrible cook into account. Which was something she never accepted.

Since the Nero mercenaries were all beastmen with physiques stronger than average humans, they were able to withstand the ruthlessness of Ann's cooking to a certain extent.

But for normal people that would not be the case.

And unfortunately, tonight they were about to find out exactly what would happen to the average man if he consumed it.

The sprinkler in Ann's hand was Killium, a spice exclusively cultivated in the western provinces of Velven, known for its high level of spiciness regardless of the quantity used.

True to its name, the spice ranked top on the Scoville heat scale despite its harmless small cherry-like appearance. Given the right amount, it had the capability to kill even an ogre.

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