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"Impossible....." Clive muttered under his breath.

He put away the thick leather binder that was dark red in color, carved with golden edges. Inside it was the death certificate issued by the imperial palace.

"It's impossible"

His eyes wavered.

"There is no way that she....."

He read through the report that came along with the letter from the imperial palace again and again.

A search party led by the Captain of the Imperial guard, Alex Herrmann, ravaged through the Oric ocean in search of her.

After days of meticulous search, they were unable to find her body. The only evidence left was a piece of the dress she was wearing the day of the attack, found between the cracks on the mountain wall.

Three days after her death, the Frost knights who escorted her on the fateful day regained consciousness and gave their statements regarding the events.

'The Duchess's carriage was attacked by unknown masked assassins. She was killed by throwing off the mountain' was the bottom line.

The report was a thirty-page document elaborating on the death of the young Duchess Frost.

The noble lady he sent to the capital without her approval.

The craziest person in Ashford county.

His sister, Angelica.

Not only will she discover that she was kidnapped or 'sent on a favor' in Clive's terms, but she was also married to a man she had never met before.

From the moment Angelica wakes up in the Volos, she was bound to create chaos. 

Clive had anticipated that much.

He expected her to storm out of the place to find and strangle him. Or send a death threat in the least.

But it was unexpectedly quiet for days. 

Even after the things he sent reached her, there was still no response.

It left Clive puzzled about the situation in the Frost residence.

'Maybe she fell in love with Edward Frost? He did look pleasing in the eyes.....naaaah' Clive clicked his tongue. Even as a thought it was a ridiculous.

'There is a higher possibility of her burning the place down than falling in love'

His sister had the knack for chasing away any potential suitors in creative ways. Adam Norton was a living example of that. 

The man was scarred for life ever since the snake incident when they were kids.

There was also that time when Angelica kicked the son of Marques Carlton into the lake for trying to hold her hand.

Clive's face hardened as he crumpled the report in his hands. He couldn't believe the words written in it, even if it had the imperial seal.

He closed his eyes and leaned back on his chair, thinking of how their lives became derailed, never to be the same again. 

It all started around nine months ago, shortly after Angelica moved out of the house to live in the cabin with Chirpy. Although it was temporary, she left leaving everyone restless.

Angelica was too close to Countess Maria than anyone else, even more than her son Lorenz. So when she passed away unexpectedly, the grief took a big piece of her.

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