Chapter 125

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"We're not the only ones"

Eugene looked over the cliff.

One by one, the members from the entourage emerged from the trees on the opposite side of the cliff along the river's shore.

"Hey guys!" Ann yelled, waving her hands above her head and then pointed down the cliff.

"We found the river!"

"We can see that!" Noah yelled back, dropping the water bags on his shoulder.

Soon Raeden, Oliver, and Jade came out with a few more water bags along with the Tullus mercenaries and Kalan followed by Ezra.

"I guess the water problem is solved" Ann gushed and turned towards Eugene who had collapsed on the ground.

He was exhausted, thirsty, and hungry from running nonstop through the forest chasing after Ann, who in turn was chasing after a bird.

There were no birds in the sky, on the trees, or even on the ground. It was just the two of them. Though he wanted to pry into the imaginary bird situation Eugene kept his mouth shut. He was too tired to say anything.

"Why are you tired? Aren't you a beastmen?" Ann extended her hand for Eugene and pulled him up.

Beastmen have extraordinary stamina compared to humans owing to their physical stature. It seemed unnatural for him to be tired after only running for a short while.

"Beastmen get tired too you know"

Eugene dusted the dirt on his pants and stood beside Ann watching their friends help the Tullus men fill the water bags. He wondered how they located the river.

While Ann and Eugene ran into the unknown following a bird, Raeden had noticed a distinctive pattern on one of the trees.

There was a crescent moon neatly carved on its bark.

Raeden recognized seeing the pattern a few hours earlier and surmised that they were going around a particular area in circles.

After a quick brainstorming session, they had located the river only to be beaten to it by two of their colleagues who had disappeared with a word.

"Were we running over a mountain?" Ann asked, stretching his hands. She was preparing herself for the trip down to join the rest of the group.

"Isn't that obvious?"

Eugene cautiously took a step near the cliff. The water looked clear without the infestations of dangerous predators. It would approximately be a sixty feet fall if they were to jump down.

Meaning it would be safe if he were to dive down for a swim from the cliff.

'Pfft.... dive down?'

Eugene dismissed the ridiculous thought that occurred to him. Being around Ann for most of the day had corrupted his sane mind.

Only a crazy person would jump from such high altitudes out of their own judgment unless their lives were threatened.

"Let's go back" Ann tugged Eugene's sleeve, snapping him from his strange train of thought.

Though Ann said they will return, she did not budge an inch from the cliff. And what was more was that she had a tight grip on his sleeve.


Eugene felt a chill run down his spine.

"Don't tell me..." He trembled.

The smile on her face was all the affirmation he needed.

Surviving As A Cannon FodderOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz