Chapter 153

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A while later behind the closed doors of one of the most heavily guarded places in all of Elan were gathered the members of the elite Knights of Frost, the Dark Wolfs.


The bustling atmosphere fell silent as soon as I walked in through the doors. 

Although the Knights tried hiding it, the look of astonishment in seeing a dead man walk again was evident on some of their faces.

"I see that news travels fast among the Knights wherever they might be..."

"Your Grace..." 

Being the second-in-command of the Dark Wolfs, Ezra greeted as the rest of the Knights followed suit.

"We are grateful to see you alive again in great health"

""Yes, Your Grace!""

"Alive?" I scoffed, taking a seat at my desk.

Although I had not used it in a long time, the place was neat and clean without a speck of dust. The only thing that had changed was that the ever-increasing amount of documents was replaced by a single report notarized with the emblem of the imperial family. 

It was the report on Angelica's carriage attack conducted by the Imperial Knights before the case was closed.

 "Alive, Yes. But great health... not as much" I answered, flipping through the pages of the report.

There was nothing new in the report that I didn't already know except that the real perpetrators hadn't been caught. It also contained newspaper clippings of the incident that emphasized how the attackers themselves were ambushed by a horrifying monster after killing the Duchess. 

Something about this tells me that the 'monster' may not be what one would typically expect it to look like.

"Your Grace"

I looked up from the report to find the Knights getting to their knees much like during the time of Angelica's supposed funeral. Seeing me read the report must have triggered an unconscious sense of guilt in them for losing her.

When the Knights may be feeling partially responsible for the tragic turn of events, the truth is that we can't always be responsible for situations that are far outside our capabilities, especially in this particular scenario.

"At ease"

Every member of the Dark Wolf squadron had returned to the estate within hours after the curse was broken. While the Imperial Palace was notified, the news would not be made public until I let it be.

"We found traces of the Saintess's power along the west a few months back. It was in a small rural village near the countryside. After that, there were similar incidents in a few other places"

Ezra went right into business and started debriefing about the pending investigations that were going on.

"It went like 'BLEEP BLEEP' and then 'BRRRR'... Nothing much after that" Mikhael added before bringing forth a map of Orion. 

On the map were marked places where traces of the Saintess's powers were found in one form or another over the course of the past few months. It was spread all across the country, with one among them being right here in the capital on top of Mount Zion.

"There haven't been any other activities as of late. The Church is quiet too. Although..." Mikhael said, pulling out a flyer from his robes.

"On a totally unrelated topic, I did hear that it was recruitment season in the Vatican. At this point, I doubt they even care about their most prized asset being locked inside the palace"

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