Chapter 164

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I felt something soft tickle my face and adjusted my head till I could find a comfortable spot.

Although the bed was a bit hard and uneven for my liking, it was so cozy and warm that it made me want to stay there forever.

It reminded me of the cabin back home where I lived alone with Chirpy for months. Every night we would sleep in the same bed and Chirpy would snuggle against me for warmth almost knocking me out of the bed every time he rolled. Then he would whine at me with droopy sad eyes like I was the one occupying his bed. 

Thinking about those days always puts me in a good mood.

Once I found the spot that satisfied me, I wrapped my leg over the pillow near my feet and dipped my head in the warmth of the bed. 

My body felt heavy and wanted me to sleep. But my mind on the other hand, wanted to wake up and go about the day.

'No... I don't wanna wake up yet'

I nuzzled my head against the bed like a cat to coerce my mind into falling asleep when I heard what sounded like a soft chuckle above my head.

Frowning, I pulled the quilt closer and pressed my head into the bed to drown out the sound. At that moment, my wandering hand brushed against something odd.

'What is that...'

I traced my hand over the same place to find it broken into stone-like blocks. They felt warm and hard at the same time much like the stones in a sauna room. So I ran my hand over the blocks again. 

For some reason, I found it nice to play with them.

Suddenly the bed jolted up a bit before settling down. The quilt around me became tighter and pinned my body tightly into the bed.

"It's early. Go back to sleep" whispered a husky voice.

'Yes, I should go back to sleep'

With a sheepish groan, I stopped playing with the blocks and relaxed my mind to fall into the drowsiness that was pulling me into their world. Then I noticed something.

Did the bed just speak? If it did, it spoke in a voice that was all too familiar to me. It was on the tip of my tongue yet I could not point it out.

It sounded absurd. Still, I wanted to check just to be sure. So I raised my head against the wishes of my body and squinted my eyes open.


I heard the same voice I had heard before just as a hand gently nudged my head down.

That made me wake up.


I blinked my eyes as I raised my head again. There was a hazy gleam over my view which gradually reduced each time I blinked.

As my view became clearer, I saw a pair of ruby-red eyes like jewels staring into mine. The more I gazed into them, the more mesmerizing they looked.

'Am I dreaming again? One of those lucid dreams Eugene keeps talking about...'

I leaned in to take a closer look. These ruby-red eyes had been frequent visitors in my dreams for months for me to forget.

'I know these eyes...'

Were these the same eyes that used to terrify me every time I dreamt? Were they always this beautiful? I wondered.

Although I have seen these eyes several times, they still appear as captivating as ever. As if being pulled in by a magnetic force, I leaned in a bit more.

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