Chapter 97

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On the front open section of the breakfast house, Noah and Oliver combined two tables together to make enough seats for everyone.

With Ann, Raeden, Jade and Noah seated on one side and Elijah, Kalan, Ezra and Oliver on the other, the discussion began. But one hour into the talk, it abruptly came to an end due to Ann's disagreement with the terms of the deal.

The offer that Elijah had proposed was simple. The Nero mercenaries have to escort Kalan and his entourage safely across the borders of Velen and into Orion.

Half of the agreed money will be given when they start from Velven. And once they reach the destination in Napal, a port town in Orion, the rest of the money will be paid.


Elijah asked dumbfounded. With years of experience as a veteran merchant, it was impossible for anyone to outwit him in an argument. Yet there he was in a block unable to refute Ann's outburst.

"It's a good deal!"

"You won't be able to find another offer like this anywhere"

"If I say 'No'. Then it's a NO"

Ann went to the breakfast house leaving behind Elijah stupefied.

Elijah had hoped Ann to be the one to persuade Raeden into accepting the deal since she was a materialistic person. But to his surprise she had been out rightly rejecting the proposal from the very start.

Although Elijah had a basic understanding as to why Ann was reacting the way she was, he had no choice but to coerce the others into accepting.

"Raeden what do you think?"

Elijah knew that if it was Raeden, Ann would not go against him. But it will also be a problem if Raeden decides to leave Ann behind since she was reluctant. 

And it was game over if Raeden rejects the offer too.

"The weather in Orion is perfect this time of the year. It will be like taking a vacation"

"It takes a month's travel to reach Orion. And you need an escort till Napal which adds two more weeks. But....'' Raeden contemplated.

Elijah gulped anxiously waiting for Raeden to finish his sentence. But before he could say anything Ann returned with two cups of coffee.

"Is that for me Ann? That is so considerate of you. I was feeling thirsty from talking for a long time" Elijah stood up and reached for the cup in her left hand.

"Eh? Why would I get coffee for you? Go and get your own"

Ann dodged Elijah's hand and sat next to Raeden.

"Here you go Raeden"

She passed a cup to Raeden and took a sip of her own.

"So we are still talking about this?"

"Why? Why are you so against this?" Elijah asked as he sat down sulking.

"That's my question as well. 'Why?'. Why are you being persistent on hiring us when you could get other mercenaries to do the same for a lesser pay?"

Ann turned to Kalan. 

As the person hiring them on a long term, Kalan had been quiet since the beginning of the discussion. It naturally aroused suspicions to the ever cautious Ann.


Kalan's pupils reflected Ann and nothing else.

"What's the catch?" Ann asked, raising her brows in suspicion.

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