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"I guess it's time my dear husband" I said with a wry smile.

Currently, I was standing in front of Edward's bed and talking to him. It was more like I was talking to the wall since he could not answer me, but I still did it since I wanted to say farewell.

I was dressed in a light green gown with close to non-existent decorations. The dress was featherweight and the material felt like it was floating on top of me. It was a dress that I chose among the racks after assessing my needs. I wanted something that I could move in without having any restraints.

My hair was raised into a chignon bun with a few twisted strands on the side. Since I'll be staying at the temple I needed to look modest yet resonate with the pride of an esteemed noble household.

I kept accessories to a minimum with a pair of pearl earrings and a bracelet. I had my necklace on since I always wore it despite the type of clothing I wore as it was a gift from grandma.

Wearing it felt like she was always there beside me. Fortunately, the simple design of the dress went along with and added to the elegant charm I was going for.

Even I couldn't believe the reflection I saw in the mirror. It was to the point that my mind went blank for a few seconds before snapping back.

I looked like an innocent and serene beautiful woman.

Far from what I truly am if I have to say.


The maids have outdone themselves yet again.

After a long time, I looked like a proper noble lady.

I returned to Edward's room right after the dressing was completed without making any detours. I closed the front door so we could have some privacy and marched straight to the bedroom.

This was going to be the last few minutes that we were going to have together.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not going to die and I don't plan on returning here either. Everything will be as per the original book. And I will make sure that the storyline continues without any intervention.

I'm just going to remove myself from Edward's path so that he could walk down his destined road with his fated person. It was also an essential thing for the future peace of my home nation.

My family, my friends, my colleagues... everybody I know, everybody in this nation.  They deserve a good life. 

And if the cost for it to happen was my disappearance from this world... his world.

'It's a price that I'm willing to pay'

Because approximately three years from now, there will be a war between the Orion Empire and Velven Empire, our neighboring nation.

It will be centered around the protagonists of this world Helen and her entourage and the antagonist who finally revealed himself after mind-bending schemes, the Crown prince of Velven.

I don't remember his name as usual. It's not a surprise since I didn't remember anything about Edward up until the point I saw his face. And I also don't remember the names of the other main characters aside from the royal ones.

But I do recall their status so I can look them up after I leave.

Although they are esteemed members of high society, I'm not familiar with them since it was the only part of my studies that I flunked. 

Not once or twice but seven times. It was bad to the point that even my instructor gave up on me.

It was customary for nobles to memorize the names and faces of the people in high society. 

It was not the brightest moment of my life, but I just couldn't bear to sit through another lesson.

It was boring to the point that even staring at the wall was more interesting than memorizing the family tree of the royal family.

Since Clive was the one inheriting the title they let me off easy and I used the additional time to spar with the knights.

Though I regret not learning it now, it was worth it.

Anyway, we need those hero or heroes of Orion to rise once again to save the world.

'Yadda yadda yadda... the usual sh*t. At least the name of the book came into proper use'

I'm going off-topic, now back to where I am...

Although our marriage was short-lived and doomed to fall apart, I had gained new experiences that I never would have earned otherwise.

This was me seeing 'the best out of the worst scenario'.

It was the first lesson I learned from my grandmother Maria Ashford, Captain of the Eagle Knights.

In a few minutes, I will leave the Frost residence never to return again.

I came to Edward's room for three reasons.

They were to collect my stuff and destroy any evidence, to say goodbye, and at last to leave a parting gift.

After observing the sleeping beauty for a bit, I walked around the bed to get to Edward's safe.

I opened it as if it were my own and took out the assassin's knife I hid in there. Next was the dagger in the book Clive sent.

I took out the dagger and walked to the receiving room with the book in hand. The fireplace was always lit and maintained with magic to keep the room warm.

I threw the book and Clive's letter except for the small note into the fireplace. I made sure they were completely destroyed without leaving any trace before I returned to the bedroom.

I tied the dagger and the assassin's knife which I left on Edward's side table to my knee belt with practiced hands and pulled my clothes down.

After making sure they weren't uncomfortable or visible or making any noise, I pulled out a chair and sat beside Edward.

Finally, it was time to say goodbye.

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