Chapter 151

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"You know what... I'm not the one they would award the 'Best Person in the Universe' award to..." 

*brush* *brush*

"I mean... I was just a normal, average, not-so-great-at-anything Jane trying to cross a damn road in the middle of the night"

*brush* *brush*

"Believe it or not. I double-checked the empty road before I even took a step"


"And guess what happened!?"

The sound of bottles being rattled synchronized with the voice of the woman who thought was talking to herself. The empty glass bottle that was knocked over, rolled down the table and landed on the floor with a muted thud, before disappearing under the bed.

"I still got hit!"

Lipstick in hand, Angelica complained, furious as if she couldn't believe her own words. 

"Like... like... How is that even possible?"

It was the anger she had held in her heart for losing her life in a short period just when her world was about to begin.

Now, having finally found someone she could speak to, Angelica was fuming her mind off assuming her words were being listened to but not understood, lost but not unheard, to the only person she could ever show her true self.

Unfortunately for her, her words were being etched into my mind until the smallest details like it was my holy gospel.

Learning of the cause of death in her previous life, showed some light on the meaning behind her actions. Truth or not aside, it takes more than an average person to take in the fact that the life they have cherished until now was about to be forcibly taken from them just like the previous one.

'If we had met different circumstances, would she have told me the truth about her life?' I wondered, feeling an unknown sensation I had never felt before.

Using the lipstick as a makeshift chalk piece Angelica drew a clean stroke across my lips as she spoke,

"You listen when I tell you Eddie boy... "

Just as Angelica was complaining and working at the same time, I too was occupied by the revelations to take her painting my face seriously.

"If I ever get my hands on that nut job who drove over me..." 

True to her words from earlier, she really was putting a smile on my face in a literal sense. It was an ironic development in a sense, I couldn't help but laugh at where we were.


"I'm gonna show him what real death feels like.... hehehe" Angelica emphasized fiercely putting the kabuki brush in her hands to work.

Everything aside, it took only a day for us to get where we were. My entire perspective had been turned upside down in a matter of minutes. 

Now that I know this there was nothing in this world that would surprise me more.

Then Angelica said something that snapped me out of my thoughts in an instant.

"Maybe I should try dating?" 


"A nice guy with a quiet life sounds good, doesn't it?" said Angelica, momentarily stopping her work to think.

Dating? As in being in a relationship with some random man? I felt my body tense from the mere thought of it.

"Someone with a cooking talent would be great too... And if he hates pumpkins as much as me then it's a match made in Eorthe"

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