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"This is the third time this month there has been a breach by the borders" Lorenz said reading the report Clive brought him

After the bandits' arrest in Lancel, there was tension between the Ashfords and Moore territories.

Constant confrontations among the Knights of both territories led to unrest among the citizens living by the borders. Both sides had Knights stationed on either side of the woods in Lancel. Waiting to see which side breaches the borderline first.

"This is putting pressure on the civilians" Lorenz sighed.

"Any updates from the capital?" he asked Clive while tapping his fingers on the desk.

"They are still going through with the evidence. So the investigator's arrival is delayed" Clive said dejectedly. He too was not pleased with the delay in the investigation.

"So in other words, they are going to drag this out till we kill each other. Take all the glory for solving the conflict. And be done with it" Angelica stood with her arms crossed.

"What happened to 'holding an iron fist' against crappy aristocrats?" she continued in a grumpy voice.

"She's right Dad. They are dragging this for too long" Clive chimed in.

"Slave trafficking is a capital crime. They need to be thorough"

"Dad" Angelica said banging her hands on Lorenz's desk 

"We can either wait for the royal investigators to do their royal investigations at the speed of a turtle or....." she turned to check Clive's facial expressions. 

He was looking at her with furrowed brows.

"You know.....challenge them to a duel of honor" She whispered in a low voice.

"NO! Father you cannot allow this" Clive objected in a definite tone mimicking his sister's action and banging Lorenz's desk.

"We are not going to challenge the Moore's to a duel of honor" Clive nodded to Lorenz's words while Angelica put her hands as if giving up.

"Let's wait till they cross our borders. That way we will have the authority to 'legally' fight it out"

"Yes! Dad. You're the best" Angelica said high fiving Lorenz and hugging his neck.

"Noooo!" Clive exclaimed, disappointed. 

He couldn't believe his father was considering such a thing. There were better ways to deal the crisis peacefully than spilling blood.

"Stop being a party pooper, Clive. Dad's getting it. Why won't you?" Angelica turned towards Clive.

"It's because I want to solve everything in a civil way. While you two want to go to war." Clive snapped back.

"Violence is not the answer to everything An-An" He preached, placing his hands on Angelica's shoulders and looking her in the eyes.

"I'm not violent" Angelica clicked her tongue and knocked away Clive's hands.

"You punched the Eldest son of Earl Hudson and threatened him with a butter knife"

"Maybe a little" Angelica pouted.

"You threatened to cut off his testicles and feed it to crocodiles"

"He had it coming. Did you know what he said about me? He said that I......." Angelica raged in fury. But stopped mid-sentence realizing that her father was listening.

"What did he say, Angelica? Go ahead, finish your sentence" Lorenz said with a cold smile. He was smiling at them resting his hands on his chin.

'Clive you idiot. The real violent one is sitting right in front of you' Angelica thought, smiling awkwardly to distract her father. 

She knew Lorenz would not forgive anyone who talked ill about his family. While Lorenz took after his mother Maria somehow his son Clive had taken after his grandfather Reginald.

"Ummm Dad" Angelica hesitated, taking a step back and fiddling her hands together.

"Why is this the first time I'm hearing about this?" He asked Clive.


Just as Clive started talking Angelica dashed towards him and covered his mouth with her hands.

"It's because..." She started thinking of excuses 

" At the time you were away for.......... the annual inspection" Angelica gulped. She let go of a confused Clive and waited for Lorenz's response.

"Eldest son of Earl Hudson was it? Hmmm" Lorenz hummed.

'Mom always said that I get half of my personality from Dad. And I can see why' Angelica thought, pitying the guy who was about to take on her father's wrath.

"Brother. You and I need to have a big talk" She mumbled under her breath, audible only to Clive.

Right then there was a knock on the door and a distraught Julian came in. 

Julian was panting like he was on a hundred-meter dash. He looked at the three faces one after another and strode in with heavy footsteps.

"You alright?" Angelica asked with arched eyebrows.

Julian didn't answer and handed over the telegram in his hand to Lorenz. He was red till his ears from running all the way over here.

Lorenz's eyes grew wide as he read the telegram. He crumpled the paper as he read through its contents. He got up knocking off the chair and dashed towards the door, leaving his children confused and worried.

Angelica gestured 'what's wrong' towards Julian with her face. 

Julian looked down with a heavy expression and did not answer her.

Clive walked up to Lorenz's desk and picked up the crumpled piece of paper. His face changed on reading it.

"An-An..." He called out in a low heartbroken voice. He looked like he was about to cry.

"Clive you are scaring me. What does it say?" Angelica asked in an anxious voice, feeling that something was wrong. Julian turned away from Angelica, unable to face her.


"What happened to Grandma?" she panicked, trying to grab hold of the telegram in Clive's hand. He yanked his hand up trying to avoid her.

"Give it to me" Angelica grabbed it by force.

Tears started to well up in her eyes as she read through it.

"Is this true Julian!?" She yelled at Julian.

"It's true. We confirmed it"

Clive turned away covering his face on hearing Julian talk. Angelica's hands began to shake as she read through the telegram again.

'Maria Ashford collapsed on her way from the northern village. She is currently being treated at St.Isabella's hospital and is in a critical condition'  

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