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I opened my eyes to find myself in an unfamiliar place.

I was standing on a beach barefoot.

I do not remember how I got there.

I could hear the sound of waves moving back and forth in a rhythmic pattern and the seagulls in the distance. The sky was red and I could see the sun setting beyond the horizon. The water was glimmering like crystals. 

It was a majestic view that could take one's breath away.

I was wearing a white strappy backless summer dress that reached my knees. Since when did I wear clothes like this?

I unconsciously started walking along the shore. The sand beneath my feet felt cold, yet serene. I could feel the soft waves brushing past my legs.

The scenery felt all too...


As I tried to remember a gentle breeze flew by and ruffled my hair.

I could hear someone calling out from behind. It was a man's voice.

'Is he calling me?' I was perplexed.

I was not sure who he was calling out to. But we were the only two on the quiet beach as far as my eyes could reach.

I stopped walking and turned around to see who it was. For some reason, I could not see his face clearly. But I could swear it felt like I had known this person for a long time.

Was this feeling... nostalgia?

He walked toward me without any hesitation in his strides.

Coincidentally, he too was dressed in white. He was wearing a loose white shirt that danced with the wind and pants that reached his feet.

He had a tall and muscular build that could easily tower over me. Even though we were so close, I still could not see his face. It was blurry. Yet I could tell that he was incredibly handsome.

He stood in front of me and took my right hand in his. He tenderly brought his lips to the back of my hand and placed a kiss as if it was the most natural gesture to do. 

"!" My heart started beating like crazy.

He opened his mouth and started saying something. But I could not hear anything.

After that, we started walking while holding hands.

'Is this ok? I don't know who this person is'

We walked for a while, following the path our feet took us in when suddenly he stopped and yanked my hand toward him.

I stumbled and fell into his chest.

'What the..? That took me by surprise...'

As if he was amused by my reaction, he chucked and gently raised my face. Although I could not see, I could tell that he was smiling at me like I was his entire world. 

In slow motion, he leaned in and brought his face closer to mine. I tried to move away, but could not control my hands.

'Screw this!'

I closed my eyes and waited for impact.

I opened my eyes feeling breathless. I blinked a few times and looked around to see where I was.

"Haaaaah... It was that dream again"

I stood up from my bed and stretched my limbs. I was currently staying in the old cabin at the top of Finnel Mountain. It was the same cabin I used to stay in with my grandmother every hunting season since I was a kid.

'Now it's just me and Chirpy. Speaking of which, where is he?'

I walked towards the door to see where he was. But, I halted my steps when I crossed by the mirror. 

My hair was all messy and out of place. It was in desperate need of care. I pulled a hairband from the drawer near the mirror and raised my hair into a single ponytail.

"That should do it"

I opened the front door, headed towards the fence surrounding the cabin, and looked around to see where he was. As expected, Chirpy was nowhere in my sight.


"BABY" I called out in a high-pitched voice.

Not long after, I could hear rustling noises coming from the direction of the forest entrance. A large wolf emerged from the bushes and was running towards me at full speed. I braced myself for what was about to come.

Chirpy pounced on me and knocked me down on the grass. His tail was wagging as if it was connected to a speed engine. He licked all over my face in his own way of saying good morning.

I caught his face and moved him over with all my might. As usual, he was so packed with energy that it was hard to believe he used to be a pup the size of a rabbit. He was getting heavier as the days passed. His paws were dirty from running all over the place.


I stood up and dusted my clothes. Chirpy was still circling me. I needed to take a bath and I needed to get him to take one too.

'Should we go to the waterfalls again? It would be easier than putting in a tub. I still remember the mess he made when I tried to have him bathed in the cabin tub. 

Not only was I drenched from head to toe, but the entire bathroom floor was also overflowing with soap water. He always gets excited when he sees water and jumps in to roll in it.

"Haah..." I sighed.

When I looked up at the sky, the sun was already at its peak.  It should be past lunchtime now. 

I slept late last night because of the wild wyvern I was handling near the waterfall. Its leg was caught between a crack in the boulders.

'God! That was nerve-wracking!' My head throbbed at the taught of it.

It was tough because the wyvern stood with its guard up and tried to attack me. It was tiring to convince him that I was not hostile. It was a baby wyvern, but still, it was as dangerous as meeting a grizzly bear.

I had to throw in some of the flying pigs I caught to convince the wyvern that I was only trying to help. Once he was freed it flew away without turning back as if I was invisible.

I remember shouting 'How about a thank you!' to which it let out a loud squeal in response.

That was mostly my rage talking from all the pulling and smashing I did. I had to enlarge the crack the wyvern had his leg caught on, so it would be easy to pull it out.

"Get in" I motioned Chirpy to come inside so that we could have a late lunch. Although he looks like he already had his fill for the day.

I could not believe he was eating without me. Not that I blame him since I got up late. Yet I could not digest the fact that this glutton wolf left me behind to eat alone.


Chirpy dashed in as if he was waiting. I can hear the sound of something breaking coming from inside.

*jingle* *crash* *thud*

When I was about to close the front door, I noticed a small envelope hanging on the doorknob. It had a small camellia flower attached to it. 

The flower was still fresh indicating it had not been long since it was plucked. Seeing how there were no signs of a scuffle outside, the person who brought the envelope must have been someone we were familiar with. In any case, the person would have turned into Chirpy's breakfast.

Just from a glance, I could guess who sent it.

I sat down at the coffee table and opened the envelope. Inside was a small card with only two letters written on it in neat penmanship.

'Come home'

It has been eight months since I moved to the cabin to spend some time alone. And now was the time to return home.

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