Thirty Seven

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Halfway up the mountain, Naruko stopped and turned around, deciding to head to the hospital and see Sasuke instead.

"What do you think you are doing?" Kurama demanded with a growl. "The young Uchiha is fine, the Haruno woman and the old hag will be taking care of him, there is no need of you to be there"

"I have to make sure Sasuke's okay" Naru replied simply. "I have to make sure Itachi's brother is really fine. Besides, I still owe him an explanation"

That was bullshit and Kurama knew this. Still, he knew his container was going through another heartbreak, she had just lost her first love afterall. So, the demon chose to retreat to the very back of Naruko's mind and sleep instead. She will call him when she needs him and he will be there to whisper her comfort. Still, it would be best if he gives Hatake a reassurring message that his mate was fine but that she won't be returning home yet.


Sasuke lay in bed, staring at the ceiling. He felt cold, numb. His mind was a storm of thoughts and there was a dark, anger stirring in his heart. He desired something once again, he desired the blood of the man who took away everything from him. He desired the blood of Danzo.

"Sasuke" came the forever angelic voice of their Naruko hime. The last Uchiha closed his eyes and pretended to sleep. Naruko sighed, going over to her best friend's bed and sitting down, holding his hand. "Sasuke, I know you're awake so you can stop pretending, bastard" she lightly pinched his cheek.

The last Uchiha's eyes opened and he gave her a light glare. Naruko only smiled slightly. Getting into the bed with her best friend, she hugged him, placing his head on her chest. "You're angry" she whispered. "You're angry, and you're heart is filled with hatred again"

"I just found out everything I believed was a lie Naruko" Sasuke spat with such venom Naruko winced. "Everything I stood for, everything I prepared myself for, it was all lies!" At first the blonde woman thought her friend would start crying again, but he didn't. Instead, choosing to bury himself deeper in her chest, hugging her tightly. Like that of a child seeking comfort from their mother or in Naruko's case, their sibling.

Naruko ran her fingers through his raven locks, humming her lullaby and rocking them back and forth. "Do me a favour" Sasuke whispered. "Anything" Naruko replied. "Tell me everything I missed out on in Itachi's life, do not leave out small details"

This caused Naru to smile. Kissing the boy she saw as her brother, she began her tale of the bravest, most loyal man in Konoha. The story of her dark knight. At one point, Sasuke asked her if she loved his brother, and Naru would have denied it had she not noticed the way his voice broke and the vulnerability in his eyes. So she told him the truth

"Yes, I loved him very much" she replied. "Did you love him more than you loved Kakashi?" Sasuke pressed. Naruko looked out the window to the setting sun. "No" was her simple, honest answer.

Hours later, Sasuke and her remained in each other's arms, Naru still telling him stories of his honourable big brother, and Sasuke said that he would kill Danzo. Naruko only gave him a tilt of her head. "You'll have to train harder to do that. I can help you"

"No" Sasuke rejected her offer instantly. "I will avenge my brother, and will become the strongest Uchiha. I will surpass even that of Madara himself". This caused Naruko's eyes to widen. "Well" she smiled. "Try not to go crazy while you're at it" she teased.

Sasuke chuckled. "Me? Crazy? Never"

The two continues to chat, eventually they played a game of cards. Then Sasuke fell asleep. Naruko would have left then and there, but Sasuke had whispered "don't leave me" and the blonde stayed.

Sasuke wasn't her Itachi, no matter what he does, no matter how much time passes and he grows to look like him, Sasuke would never ever replace her Itachi Uchiha. "You loved him very much didn't you? Tell me, if you never met Kakashi, if Itachi wasn't dying, if the Uchiha massacre never happened, would you have married him instead?"

Naruko's eyes were slowly closing. "In another life, yes"

Kurama, in his cell, put his head on his paws as he took another nap. Itachi Uchiha was her first love, and Kakashi would be her last.

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