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The man watched her fondly. Though Naru was still a little rough around the edges, with a few grinds and polishes he truly believed that Naru would surpass her father. And hopefuly he'd be here to help her.

"Sleep in her bed" Kakashi inwardly groaned as he heard his beast comment. Instead of replying he got up and mummbled to Naruko he'll be making tea while she prepared herself for the jutsu. "You've shared beds already, you've bathed together already. Make her ours already!"

"Those were momments of vulnerability. I will not take advantage of her" Kakashi calmly filled the kettle with water and placed it on the stovetop and turned it on. "We're finnaly in a good place now. Don't ruin it"

"You're inlove with her and you do nothing!" the beast howled as it paced the inside of Kakashi's mind on all fours. "I know you don't want to see her with another man, but you consider death. What a contradiction you are"

Kakashi released a heavy sigh as he prepared the tea leaves.

"Are you okay, Kakashi?" Naruko called the man and noticed how his body seemed to sag. "Is it your beast?"

"That obvious huh?" Kakashi glanced at her, hearing her move from the living room towards him. "How did you put up with it? With Kyuubi?" watching carefuly as she sat at the island counter opposite him. "Wise choice"

"I'm not sure. Why day I just had enough of him handing over his chakra and turning me into mini Kyuubi and just...started talking to him. Kyuubi makes unnecessary comments every now and then so I'm guessing my brain just learnt in time to filter it" Naruko wondered if she'll need to reinforce her door though scraped the idea quickly.

It'll just so Kakashi that she didn't trust him.

"The obvious is meditation---Don't look at me like that baka!" Naruko flared red by Kakashi's look and folded her arms across her chest. Looking away with puffed cheeks. "Ero-sennin was realy strict about it"

"I'll keep that in mind" Kakashi caught the book thrown at him by Naruko and noticed the familliar cover all those weeks ago. "J-Jiraiya-sama's new book"

Naruko smiled. "Yea I finnished ages ago and thought you'd like to keep it to keep yourself busy during down times. But first let's put up this barrier, summon Pakkun and we'll start training tomorrow" Naruko stood up and stretched, causing her shirt to rise up and showing a bit of her midriff not noticing Kakashi's eye flashing red and for him to gulp.

"Wise choice indeed"

**The next day

"Maah I'm telling you. The lake would be a better center than the cabin" Kakashi debated as the blond was getting read, fluttering about the home. "It's where we train"

"I already have things set up there Kakashi. It's practical"

Kakashi sighed and walked towards the blond. "Honestly you've matured but you're more stubborn now" Kakashi grabbed Naruko by the waist and hoisted her over his shoulder. "Up we go and out we must!" he laughed.

"Kakashi!" Naruko squeeked at his sudden intrusion, stiffening slightly.

"Don't worry Naruko, I won't do anything innapropriate" Kakashi assured the blond on his shoulder as he opened the door. Feeling her relax he added: "That's unless you want me to"

"Kakashi!" Naruko yelled and slapped his back. "Stop messing around!"

"Maah, I can't help it. It's been a while since I've last teased a cute little genin" he admitted with a chuckle and headed towards the lake with her still over his shoulder.

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