Recovering|Bonus Chapter|

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*Naruko's harem*

Sasuke: has been inlove with Naru since they were little beans at the academy and despite the numerous times he got 'best-friend-zoned' by her that did not dampen his spirits of pining after her and confessing his love---*Asshole also abandoned her in her when she needed his comfort the most out of jelousy and tried to kill her once when he tried to leave for Orochimaru(also planning to kill Itachi, Naruko's first love)*

Itachi: has been inlove with Naru since she was four years old(which is creepy) and has protected her since the very beggining---*Guy wants to die by his brother's hands and broke her heart by bluntly  telling her she will never see him ever again*

Neji: Also inlove with Naruko and will treat her like a queen---*beat the shit out of her during the Chunin exams and was a total asshole to her before he started softening up(Still better then how Sasuke/Kakashi treated her though)*

Kakashi: the main love interest of Naruko who is spellbound by her and will devote his entire soul to her, ready to rearrange his universe to put her in the center----*Neglected her, verbally abused her, ignored her, never listened to her, hurt her(emotionaly), broke her heart, made her cry on a number of occasions*

Naruko: What the hell is wrong with the men in Konoha?.....

*Little red ridding hood*

"Baachan, why are your ears so big?"

"So I can hear your clearly little fox"

"Baachan, what the fuck is wrong with your voice you sound like a guy desperate to get laid?"

"What the f---It's just my cold, dear.."

"Baachan....what's up with your teeth they look sharp as a wolf's"

**throws off covers to reveal shirtless Kakashi and his godly body**

"So I could just Eat. You. Up."

Little red ridding Naru blinked, before grabbing the wolf by the shoulders and smiling sexily it nearly made blood spurt from his nose.

"Then eat me up. In bed. "

Before the wolf could do anything of the sort, the door was kicked open to reveal a very very very angry Tsunade.



*Gai as a candidate for Naruko*

Kakashi:.......the fuck is this?!

Naru: I'm speachless

Sasuke: why the bloody hell is HE a candidate?!

Kurama: for comedic relief? Maybe to fuck with your minds moronic humans!

Wolf: I am deeply disturbed by this


Naruko: God I think I gonna pass out

Author(Me): There's someone who commented that they love Kakashi but thinks Iruka is more deserving.

Naru:.......but he's like my brother

Author(Me): Meh hehehe😂

Sasuke: Why is no one rooting for me?

Kakashi: Nobody likes you

Sasuke: You'd be surprised with the amount of worshippers I have in the fandome practicaly worshipping the ground I walk on

Kakashi: Are you still sad that Naru isn't one of them?

Sasuke:.......Are you still bitter that I was the one who took her virginity?

Kakashi: Well fuck you too then

Author: Thank you for almost 50k reads this is a realy big thing for me you don't know how happy you've made me! Some might think 'Meh, Okay I got this much readers what's the big deal?'

Well I've never made it to this amount of reads before! And I love reading your comments about the book(I have a habit of re-reading some) thanks for the likes and comments and best of all


I'm sorry I haven't been updating much. But where I live there's barely any signal(only enough to like, send texts) and we don't have wifi.

I can only access internet when I'm like, at my grandma's(mother side) house where there they have FULL BAR SIGNAL AND WIFI! And we can only come there during saturdays or sundays(yea I know sucks but because of this quarantine we can never leave the house. But now the quarantine is ending-I think-and there are no checkpoint during the weekends)

Thank you for supporting Recovery and for making me very happy.

Love you all! ❤

*Extra extra*

Question and Answer!

I've read other people do this so I thought, why not?

You can ask questions to me, or the characters of the story like Naruko, Kakashi, Sasuke, Neji, The Wolf, Kurama, Tsunade, Itachi.

I'll see how I, or 'they' can answer them.

You can ask anything to them but nothing sexual like about Sasuke and Naru's first time doing it.

Peace out!


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