Twenty one

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You never saw me but I was always there

Both our lives were never fair

Although we can never be

Although you will never belong to me

Although I won't live long enough to see

Just know I will always be there for you, just know that I love you

My sweet kitsune

Poem: My Kitsune
Written by: me
Itachi to Naruko....


Kakashi gasped as an uncomfortable feeling settled in his stomach, and his hand throbbed a bit. "Naruko..." She was in pain and needed help and he would definitely help her. He went running out of the house  and tried his best to locate the blond but he couldn't find her. "Damn it where is she?" he growled. Taking a deep breath he sprung to the left and followed his instincts and in his wake he found a path of ruined trees.

Confusing him and wondering what triggered his little fox to go on a rampage. The forest was a mess.

Kakashi kept pushing through till he saw what he was looking for. He paused and saw his love on the ground covered in dust and dirt crying into the ground. Her palms digging into the dirt as her clothes were torn from her rampage and her once beautiful golden tresses envied by every women, was caked in dirt, mud and tangled horribly.

He approached her slowly, before kneeling beside her shaking frame as sobs escaped her lips. Kakashi didn't dare to speak and opted to pick her up instead. She instantly moved herself to his body and smeared the dirt onto his shirt as she clung to the material instead. The Hatake wondered what had happened during the brief moment he left her side.

Kakashi took her back to the cabin but didn't dare go to her room. It was off limits. Instead he entered his room and into the bathroom. Gently placing her on the floor before switching the bath on. It was his turn to take care of his mate.

Kneeling beside her he gently said. "I'll leave some clean clothes on the bed, get yourseld clean Naruko" seeing her nod in recognition before he left and closes the bathroom door behind him. Grabbing the smallest shirt he could find and the smallest boxers he could find for her and exiting his own room.

"I better do the gardens like she asked" he murmured before doing what he had said. His little mate still in his mind as he pulled the weeds and watered the plants. Even gathering a few matured vegetables that'll last them a week. It wasn't long before he worked up more sweat and heading inside with his basket.

Kakashi washed them away before placing them away in their respective places. "Naruko!" he called out and went to his room. Finding the blond in his bed wearing the clothes he provided her. "Naruko" he called out again gently as he sat beside her.

Naruko sniffed. "He's not coming back..."

Kakashi frowned. "Who's not coming back Naru? Jiraiya-sama?"

"He's not coming back Kakashi" she raised her head and turned to look at him. Her eyes red and puffy from tears. "Weasel's not coming back, he's never coming back, he's not coming back to me!" falling into the man's chest in comfort as the sobs started to back up harder.

Kakashi didn't hesitate to wrap his arms around her and pulled his mate into his lap. Weasel...Itachi Uchiha, the clansmen murderer and village traitor. He frowned in thought as he consoled his little fox. "Itachi? I heard her talk about him before but not as a traitor, in fact, she seemed rather fond of him. But how did he show up here and I didn't sense anything? I have so many questions but right now she needs me. I'll have to make sure to ask later" Kakashi returned his attention to his littke fox abd laid them both down on his bed. He caught whiff of male scent on her. Itachi's scent. And it is all over her.

He growled dangerously. The thought of another male being intimite with his Naruko made him furious. But he managed to keep his anger at bay and controlled his urges to ravish his mate. Not now. Not when she's emotionaly unbalanced.

So he settled with keeping her in his arms protectively and possesively. "Just one step at a time little fox" he grumbled into her hair.

Naruko didn't realy feel comfortable in his arms, she wanted Itachi's strong and safe arms wrapped around her keeping her protected. He is her warrior, her knight(though there were no knights in their country she's read enough fairytales in her childhood to know what knights are and what they do) and no one can replace him. Not even Sasuke.

But she realy needed someone with her, and she didn't care she exposed Itachi at the moment. He's permanently gone from her life, her world, she will never hear him call her 'his Kitsune' again, she won't be able to feel his warm embrace or see the smile he reserves only for her. He was gone and she was hurt and needed to tell somebody. Having Kakashi was better then being alone.

Unknown to them, a pair of watchful sharp eyes were watching them from the window. His sharigan was activated capturing the scene and engraving it in his memory forever.

Itachi Uchiha smiled. His Kitsune deserves someone better, someone who will never leave her side. And, though it hurts him to admit it, Kakashi is that person. Kami knows his fox--though he can't call her his anymore---and his wolf of a captain belong together. Like yin and yang, the sun and the moon, romeo and juliet.

"Sweet dreams, my beloved Kitsune. I hope you forgive me for leaving you, and I hope before that new daimyo comes along you and Kakashi will be wedded. Such a shame I won't be there to witness your marriege" Itachi thought.

"It is also ashame I wouldn't be the one whom you will marry, my Kitsune. Kakashi, you better not mess this chance up" Itachi thought glaring at the figure of his former captain, who has just pulled the sleeping vixen onto his chest, and has taken to stroking her long golden locks.

"You don't know, how lucky you are...Kakashi"

**The next day......

Naruko stood next to Kakashi as they faced the tree again. She had woken up in his arms and, with difficutly, escaped his embrace before moving into her room for the rest of the day.

She had a mission to comeplete and cannot afford to get distracted. She will accept Itachi's wishes later. "I know your chakra control is fine, what I don't know is why you can't walk up the damn tree Kakashi!" she voiced in her teacher mode.

Kakashi rubbed the back of his neck, seeing his mate needed space right now. "I was thinking of how I...." Kakashi stopped as his sight zoned in on a specific spot on Naruko's neck with his eyes growing wide.

Naruko frowned and looked to her neck seeing nithing of significance. "Kakashi!" she snapped regaining his attention.

"She can't see it" Kakashi thought inwardly thanking whatever god was watching his back right now. "My mark has gotten bigger but why can't she see it?" "Uh it was nothing Naruko, just nerves getting into me. I'll get it down today and focus hard" Kakashi has never bullshitted so hard and calmed down slightly and saw that she accepted his big fat lie.

Kakashi faced the tree and inwardly groaned, knowing that if he wanted answers he will have to face his other half.

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