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"What do you want Sasuke?" Naruko muttered in annoyance as she landed deep within Konoha's forest. The duo were atleast eight kilometers away from central Konoha. The blond jinchuuriki turned sidewards to face the currently arriving Uchiha that had a look of questions in his usualy stoic eyes. "You've followed me this far.....why? Has the Hokage already told you what she wants?"

Sasuke saw the flash of hurt in her beautiful blue eyes yet it wasn't aimed at him. Rather at Tsunade. The Uchiha decided to be honest with his best friend. "I was told, yes....." When her eyes began to harden Sasuke frowned.

"Don't start with me Naruko. I was told of the marriege and the other candidates, I wanted to see how you were handling all of this" In a rare moment, Sasuke's eyes opened revealing the softeness he held towards the young woman.

"Sasuke" Naruko faced away from him. "Don't look at me like that..."

Sasuke stepped forward, the wind tousling his dark bangs. "Like what Dobe?" his eyes flashed in anger before they once again softenned. "Look at you like I don't love you? Look at you like the thought of seeing you helping Kakashi hurts? Look at you, like you didn't leave me in my bed all those years ago when I made love to you?"

At that, the blond stiffened, and looked down. But Sasuke didn't waver. "Naruko, you know that if you gave me the chance. I would be there and love you like no other. Marry you, grow old with you, and smile with you throughout our lives as shinobi" he took a few more steps closer, cautios as to not scare her away.

"I am still inlove with you Naruko, Since we were children. Right to this very breath and beyond" although he sounded monotone, Sasuke was serious.

Naruko still couldn't meet Sasuke's gaze. She is very well aware how close he is right now. He placed a finger to her chin and raised her head, his onyx eyes locking with her sapphire orbs.

"St-stop, Sasuke. I told you that night it was all just my release. I couldn't handle the pain anymore and you were so desperate to lose your virginity because you didn't want to risk screwing a fangirl...we agreed that it meant nothing. You love Sakura---"

"----Naruko!" Sasuke barked and made the blond flinch. He ran his hand through her blond locks, loving the way his fingers easily slip through her silken tresses. "I don't love Sakura and I never did, you know that! Quit making excuses" Sasuke clenched his teeth. The two were visibly shaking from anger, though Naruko's were directed to other matters, Sasuke's anger was directed to Kakashi.

"Just why, why Kakashi of all people in the nations? Why him you give your heart to?" Sasuke clenched his fists tightly that his knuckles turned white.

The young woman slowly looked at Sasuke's eyes, and let out a humourless, bitter laugh. "Because, Sasuke, I know he won't return those feelings. Because Sasuke, I have no fucking control over this that it just happened to be Kakashi! Our alcoholic and beastly sensei! You think I have control over these things Sasuke?!" the jinchuuriki bellowed as her blue orbs stung.

"You think, that I don't wonder what it would be like to be with other with you?! But how can I be that bitch that doesn't return those feelings Sasuke?! YOU TELL ME! how?!"

Sasuke quickly pulled Naruko into his embrace, tucking her under his body as he rested his lips on the crown of her head. Kissing her softly as she wept in his chest. "If your fanboys and my fangirls see us right now would they either run away or attempt to kill us?" he whispered to the half sobbing, half chuckling genin.

"My fanboys are too scared to do anything to you. If they did, they'll have me to deal with" Naruko replies smiling.

"The same to me for you" The Uchiha replied stroking her soft hair. He always liked her hair, it was bright and long and she lets him play with it whenever they share moments--however rare they may be---like these. He once caught her attempting to cut her hair years ago, he yelled at her for it and didn't leave her alone until she promised never to do it again.

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