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Two weeks later....

Naru covered her mouth to stop her laughter but to no avail. The tired Hatake was ready to collapse infront of her.

"You smell like shit Kakashi-san, literally" she snickered, before her snicker turned to a full blown chortle. Kakashi glared at her. "Stop it Naru, this isn't funny" he groaned. For the past two weeks him and Naru had been doing D-rank missions. Most of those missions were farming, dog walking, baby sitting and chasing around Tora the dreadful monstrous cat.

"We really need to get you cleaned up, we still have to do another mission!" Naru looked around before spotting a nearby garden where she could see tomatoes growing. Smirking she took one and tossed it to the Hatake who caught it with ease.

"Use this to clean yourself" she remarked before walking ahead, with the silverette following loyaly behind her.

Unknown to them, Gai, Asuma, Anko and Kurenai were watching from on top a roof. It was like the roles were changed now, with Naru being the sensei and Kakashi being the student. Except Naruko is more strict sadistic. It was amusing to watch realy, she has the infamous Hatake wrapped around her pinky.

"How long will it take them both to realize their feelings?" Anko thoughtfully said looking at her friends with a glint of mischief in her eyes, her smirk wide.

"I'm estimating in a month or two, give or take. Kakashi is stubborn and will probably ignore it for as long as he can, but once he's accepted it I doubt he'll let her alone with another male again" Asuma said scratching his chin.

"And as for Naru, Ha! She's a stubborn girl too and won't be easily won, if he wants her he's gonna have to earn her!" Kurenai added laughing.

"But that doesn't mean we shouldn't give our youthful friends a little push now don't we? MY ETERNAL RIVAL AND YOUTHFUL NARU ARE A MATCH TO B--mphff!" Gai loudly bellowed causing Kurenai, Anko and Asuma to cover his mouth with his hands and drag him low to the roof to keep from getting caught. Luckily, Naru and Kakashi were already a good distance away to have heard.

The four jumped from rooftop to rooftop following the the two, but still keeping a good distance.

"But what about Katsumi?" Asuma reminded.

"What about her? She lost herself a good man, and Naru gained a good man. It is her own foult for being unfaithful and she paid the price for it. That bitch" Anko spat darkly.

"I know but knowing her she is going to want revenge for that humiliation Naru caused her. She wants Kakashi back" Asuma explained frowning. Kurenai hummed. "Then, we'll just have to keep her away from Naru and Kakashi. We push them together as much as we could, but we mustn't intervene much, they need to realize it on their own"

She held out her hand. "Agree?"

Gai, Asuma and Anko placed their hands ontop of hers. Only to be surprised when four more added.

Looking up, they saw Hinata, Neji, Shikamaru, and Sakura.

"We'll help too" Hinata smiled. "I've always wanted to see them together since we were genins! They are so perfect for each other"

"Like Sun and moon" Neji added.

"Like Yin and Yang" Sakura added. Operation: get Naruko and Kakashi together and keep Katsumi away from them, is a go


"Baa-chan!" Naru loudly and cheerily greeted kicking open the door.

Tsunade glared at her bubbly grandaughter. "How many times have I told you to knock?!" she yelled.

"Two hundred and seventy four times, counting now. Anyway Kakashi-san here needs six more D-rank missions before we move to C-ranks"

Hearing that Kakashi's pupils shrank to pin pricks. "Y-you wouldn't!"

"I can always make it twelve" Naru thretenned with a smirk. Kakashi muttered something under his breath that suspiciously sounded like 'Sadistic blonds'

Tsunade tried to stop a smirk from forming on her youthful face. This is just to amusing. Who would have thought the big bad wolf would be reduced to a pup because of her vixen little girl?

"Try not to break him too much, we still need him in one peice" Tsunade reminded handing her the mission files. Naru grinned. "Relax baa-chan! I'm not a cruel person. This is for his own good anyway" grabbing hold of the Hatake's arm she began dragging him outside. Thanks to her training with Jiraiya, she can now drag him around like a rag doll. Sometimes she doesn't even know her own strenght. Poor Kakashi.

Tsunade smirked as images of beautiful great grandbabies filled her head. She's estimating three weeks. Three weeks, before Kakashi realizes the right mate he has always longed for, has always been right infront of him. But he was just too blind to realize.

"You better treat her right Kakashi, or else I will break every bone in your body" she whispered more so to herself. Rather....happily.

**Time skip

9:15 pm

"Ne, Naru is this really necessary?" Kakashi asked as they made their way to their last client's house.

"Yes Kakashi-san. You never know when you'll be thrown to an undercover mission where you'll have to watch over a prince or a lord, and besides one day when you have a family of your own" she faced him with a bright smile. A smile he hasn't seen in a very long time.

"You'll thank me for putting you through all this. Someday you'll grow your own food, have your children play with your dogs---normal dogs not your ninken--a wife to help do the household with" the blond suddenly got a distant look on her face.

"Is that, what you want Naru? A garden to grow your own vegetables? Kids, a pet and a significant other to be with you?" Kakashi asked, his voice gentle. Naru didn't answer at first, and just when he thought she wouldn't she spoke again.

"It's a dream I used to have. A small fantasy to comfort me. I used to imagine having a family to come home too. But as I grow up that dream became nothing more then a fantasy I created as a naïve child seeking safety and comfort" her voice held an age.

"Do you still want that?"

"I gave that up years ago" her voice held no room for further argument, her tone was finale.

"Why?" the question came out before he could stop himself.

Naru stiffened, and quikened her pace that Kakashi had to jog to keep up.

"I just did"

They were quiet for a while. But soon when the house came to view Kakashi brought up again "Ne, Naruko? What kind of nice husband did you use to imagine? Back when you were still  dreaming about your family?"

Naru didn't answer again. But after a minute or two she responded. "It never mattered to me what he did or who he would be. Even now, I only cared about one thing about him should I eventualy settle down. I'd know, it I felt safe and content in his arms then he is the one for me. Whether he is a civilian or a shinobi I don't care. So long as he treats ms right...." As though a light had been switched off from Naruko, she stopped herself and shook her head.

"What's with the deep convo anyway? Come on we're still young, and we have a job to do so let's go Kashi-san!" Without waiting for a reply she grabbed hold of her former sensei's arm and dragged him again. Her smile in place though he knew it wasn't sincere.


"Hurry up slow poke!"

"How much did I break you?"

Unknown to them a pair of watchful onyx eyes were on them. His fist clenched releasing a low growl, feeling pain coming from his chest.

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