Thirty Three

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Naruko ignored Sasuke and ran past him. "Naruko, wait!" he called running after her.

The blond leapt to the trees, leaping from branches to branches trying to out run the raven haired man. "Leave me alone Sasuke!" she yells. "I just want to be alone right now!"

Sasuke gritted his teeth. When the woman that he loves stopped suddenly on a thick branch, Sasuke sped up, only to mis-step and fall when she looked at him with an expression he's seen a good many times already.

"Sasuke!" Naruko screamed when he continues to fall.

He lands painfully on his back. The Uchiha grunted in pain but kept his eyes firmly on hers.

Her eyes...her eyes were red from crying, she was sad, and there was no light from those beautiful blue eyes of hers. Sasuke clenched his fists angrily at the thought of someone making her cry. Only one person came to mind. "Kakashi" he spat out the name of his former teacher.

Up on her branch, Naruko was looking down at Sasuke with worry. Should she go down and see if he is okay?

In the end. She chose to leave him there. Sasuke is strong and has dealt much worse than falling from trees.

The woman continues running, not knowing where she was going but not caring either. She wiped away her tears, but to no avail as new ones kept coming out. Hurt from Kakashi's words and angry at herself for letting his words get to her again. "Stop crying stupid" she thought. "This is your foult. Why did you enter his mindscape? Why did you have to meet his wolf? You idiot. You have no right to feel hurt" she angrily reprimanded herself.

She slightly regretted not going to Sasuke, if she did than he could have offered her comfort.

He'd hug her and wipe away her tears, kiss her forehead, he would have carried her to their sanctuary and they would lie down under the shade of the big sakura tree. He'd let her rest on his lap while she makes him a flower crown and place it on his head...

Why didn't she chose to go to Sasuke?

Why didn't she chose Sasuke?

Why not Sasuke?

Because he's going to break your heart by killing Itachi

"AAAAAH!!!" Naruko screams, gathering chakra in her hand and destroying a random tree with her rasengan. She lands in a clearing, surrounded by an endless green of grass and lovely orchids. She felt disgusted by the peaceful and beautiful clearing, so she thought to fix.


"YOU FUCKING MORON!!" His beast roared. "You are the stupidest man alive! How dare you?! How could you?! YOU SORRY EXCUSE OF A HUMAN BEING!YOU SON OF A BITCH!"

Kakashi growled and punched the barrier for the hundreth time in hopes of breaking it, anything. But nothing. His had been reprimanding him for the past fiftheen minutes, cursing him to the next century and he knew he deserved it.

He didn't care at the moment though. He just wanted to break through the barrier and hunt down Naruko.

"I'm sorry alright?!" he yells, repeatedly punching the barrier. "Apologise to her, not me" his beast snapped. Kakashi hung his head, releasing frustrated gasps.

"She's hurt Kakashi. She'll be looking for comfort" his beast gruffly states. "What are the odds she'll go to the Uchiha?"

Kakashi didn't even want to think about that.


Naruko collapsed on the ground, feeling very satisfied. She had destroyed the whole clearing, nothing had escaped her wrath. Giant craters were formed, trees ripped off their roots and tossed at randome directions, everything was...chaos. She had gone full Kyuubi, normaly she would never use Kurama's powers to destroy but at the moment she was too emotionaly distressed to care.

She looked at her smooth arms, her flawless skin. She raised one hand and stared at her longed fingernails that almost looked like claws. She presses the tip of a nail to her wrist and slit it, watching as a thin red liquid seeped out. "Don't you dare heal me Kurama"

She scratches her arm, drawing out blood and oddly feeling very satisfied and relieved.

But then the relief soon becomes pain, not from her self inflicted wounds but from her heart. She starts to cry again.

Fingers run through her tangled tresses. Naruko tries to wipe away her tears, only for someone else's hand to wipe them away for her. "What is an angel doing crying in this rubble?"

"I told you to leave me alone Sasuke"

The person places a finger on her chin and tilts her head up. Lavender eyes meeting blue. "Dry your tears now hime, your white knight is here" he playfuly smiles, tracing a circle on her cheek with his thumb.

Naruko let out a shaky laugh. "Hi Neji"


Neji carries his hime back to the Hyuuga compound and to his house. He had encountered a concerned Hinata along the way asking if Naruko was alright.

"No she isn't" was Neji's blunt reply to his cousin. He gave his hime, who had buried her face to the crook of his neck, a soft look. "But you need not to worry, I will care for her"

Hinata nodded and let her cousin be on his way.

Once safely inside his home, Neji sets the blond down on the couch and prepares them some jasmine tea, humming a soft tune while he was doing so. He wonders, what could cause the sunny haired hime such distress?

"Naruko, I made you tea" Neji softly calls returning to her side. Naruko simply stared at him, no smile whatsoever. Neji sets the tea down on the table, sat down beside her, and pulled her to his chest, wrapping his arms protectively around her.

Naruko lets him comfort her as best as he can. He strokes her hair lovingly, before picking her up and placing her on his lap, her head on his chest. The steady heartbeat of the Hyuuga had calmed her.

Naru pulled away from his embrace, so that they may look into each other's eyes. "Your eyes hold sadness" he whispers. He cupped her cheek and his eyes widened. "Your cold...damn it Naruko you're not supposed to be cold" she was supposed to be warm. Warm and full of life. Unconsciously, Neji activated his Byakugan. "Did Kakashi do this?"

Naru looked away, biting her lip. "It's not his foult" she whispers. "You're always defending him" Neji sighs. "What happened?" he presses their foreheads together and sweetly added. "Naru-hime"

The giggles he earned made him sastified and happy. "How I wish Uchiha was here to witness this, this would surely send him in a blind rage" the sadistic side of him thought.

"You don't want to talk about it. I can respect that" he stole a quick kiss. "And I don't want your smile to dissapear, it has been a while since I last saw you smile sincerely"

Naruko's smile widens, and she rewards her white knight with a kiss on the crown of his head. "Hey Neji?"


"I want ramen" she childishly pouted. Neji chuckled. "Your wish is my command, Naru-hime" but he also doesn't want to remover her from his person. Standing up and cooking means being detached from Naru. So he comes up with a solution.

He repositioned her so that she would be straddling him, hugs her waist, and stands up suddenly. Naruko's giggles echooed the halls as she wraps her legs around his waist tightly as they make their way to the kitchen. With his hime wrapped around him like a fucking koala.

He might be in it for helping Kakashi but that doesn't mean he will not step in when Kakashi screws up. "Just for today" he thinks. "Please Kami-sama, let me love and spoil her just for today"

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