Twenty seven

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"---And that's all I know of the Hatake curse till I ask Pakkun for more information" Kakashi shrugged his shoulders after telling Naruto his tale. The blond looked at him in shock.

"You can grow ears and tail?" she blurted out before gasping and covering her lips with her hands. Blushing deeply in embarrasment.

Kakashi arched a brow and leaned closer to her. "Maah, is that all you're concerned about? Little fox" growling slightly, surprising himself. And saw the blond's blush darken. "Does she like it when I growl?" he thought amused.

Naruko stood up and backed away slightly from the primal man. Cheeks still hot as she waved her hands. "No no no no of course not Kakashi!" overlooking the irritable pet name he had given her as soon as she heard his rumble. "I'll have to find other ways to supervise you while you train in your....curse"

Clearing her throat she managed to collect herself to say: "I'll have to set you up a barrier and train you in your beast form and set aside time for Pakkun to educate you on your family curse. Of course I'll have to inform Baa-chan about this and subdue you if your form goes out of control and your beast decides to take the front seat"

The blond vixen began mummbling to herself as she placed a plan together in her mind on how to help Kakashi train without him harming anyone close to him.

Kakashi chuckled when he noticed her mind wander and moved himself into a crouching position. "Perhaps this will gain her attention" oh yes he just loves it when she gives him her attention and he doesn't appreciate it when her mind wanders off and she stops noticing him. That simply won't do now will it?

Kakashi prepared himself to launch at his unsuspecting supervisor. With a startling howl, Kakashi darted towards the blond in a semi surprise attack.

Naruko heard Kakashi's howl and quickly allowed her honed instincts to take over and whipped her arm out. Moving faster then Kakashi, grabbed his neck tightly before his arms could grab her and heaved him over her shoulder, slamming him into the grass. The earth beneath them shattered as Naruko slammed her knee to his chest which released a harsh hiss of pain from the man.

Chuckling, the female got down on all fours before crawling ontop of the man, hovering above him and smiled foxily. "You'll have to do better then that, my wolf"

The man turned his head to the side, not being able to look at her out of embarrassment. Thank god for his mask, or else the vixen above him would be able to see his red face. Heat rushed to his groin at being called her wolf.

He was sure she didn't realize she said that though. It still felt great hearing her call him hers, even if it didn't mean anything to her just yet.

Naruko meanwhile, didn't know what has gotten into her. She felt weird, realy weird. Being on top of the Hatake, having him pinned down beneath her made her feel like she had dominance over the wolf, which made her feel powerful.

Feeling bold, she leaned closer so her breath would be fanning his ear. Her C to D cup breasts pressing against his hard chest as she did so. The Hatake felt his groin harden, and prayed the vixen wouldn't notice.

"You'll have to do better then that, because unlike you Kakashi, I harbour a real demon. Not a curse" she whispers, her hot breath hitting his ear making his mind go blank. He couldn't process anything properly, just having her body pressed against him like this was already enough to drive him over the edge.

He wonders, if it felt this good with skins ON, he wonders what skin to skin contact with her would be like.

Well sorry for him, Naruko was pulled out of whatever trance she was in after feeling something hard poking her. Flushing she got off him, and the Hatake mourned the cold he felt. He almost growled at her but managed enough self restraint not to do so. The bold vixen had dissapeared and Naruko has returned.

"Should have taken advantage of the situation while she wasn't herself moron" his beast scolded.

"Shut up. I will not and never will take advantage of Naruko! But what happened to her back there? You're right, she wasn't herself" Kakashi replied.

"That was her primal instincts briefly taking over. Who would have thought just having you beneath her would make her snap like that? You should keep that in mind just in case, but remember moron, WE dominate, so YOU are on top. Not the other way around"

Kakashi blushed when his beast mentioned, being 'on top'

"It seems I won't be able to train you how I have been with this new development. Your curse, I mean. From here on now, you are to study with Pakkun and train with your beast within one of my barriers till you have that side under great control. I will be monitoring you and your vitals from outside my barrier with my sensory abilities and will subdue you if your beast reches the surface to try anything"

"What barrier do you have in mind?" Kakashi asks as he understands why she would suddenly change tactics. He wouldn't want to force himself on his little fox. Ever. He would whip himself a thousand times and take his own life if he does such a sinful act on his mate.

"I have suspicions that a regular barrier wouldn't be enough to contain the beast. Do you perhaps know how to create a purple barrier?"

Naruto looked away from him. "So you realy still don't know I studied fuinjutsu huh?" she mutters, sounding dissapointed in him.

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