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I'm sorry I was never there for you
I'm sorry for always ignoring you
I'm sorry I never realized I loved you
I'm sorry for not believing in you
I'm sorry becauase I never knew
I'm sorry because it took me years before realizing

I am inlove with you~

I'm sorry because I am not worthy of you

I hope you can forgive me my beloved fox

I broke your trust
I broke your heart
Can we start?

Can we start all over again?
Please don't look at me with disdain
Please give me a chance to love you again......

Poem: I'm sorry
Written by: Me

Kakashi to Naruko~


"What's gotten into Kakashi?" The blond wonders as she tugged her dress back into place and allowed his head to smack against the hard wooden floor. "Serves him right" the blond thought walking over to the man and kicked his arm. It appears he is out like a light. She has more work on her plate then she thought. But what made him faint?

Stepping over the man and walking towards the door, slipping on some sandals before going outside. "Stupid man" she shook her head heavily as she went outside. Grinning happily when she saw the visitor climbing up the path. "Boy am I glad to see you Ero-sennin!" she ran over to the old man and jumped on his unsuspecting figure.

Jiraiya caught his apprentice with an 'oof' sound. " how's my cute little apprentice? You could have told me first hand what happened to your charge. I had to find out from Shizune, who heard from Tsunade, who heard from Hinata, who heard from Sasuke, who heard from Shikamaru, who heard from Sakura who was told by Pakkun" Jiraiya ruffled her hair, his gentle smile turning serious. "But I'm not here to talk about Kakashi or Katsumi"

Naruko Tugged at her flowing hair. "I'll be fine, realy I'll be....." stopping her quiet murmur as Jiraiya placed a hand on her shoulder soothingly. She gulped and confessed to her trusted guide. Tears brimming as she looked up at him, connecting blue with brown.

"It's just so hard, being back here in the village. No one believed me and they all turned their backs on me for Katsumi! Sasuke and Sakura were with me for a while but in the end they gave up on me too and left me all alone! It hurts the most spending all this time with Kakashi! He was the one who would yell abuse as soon as I speak about her and called me a...what was it again? Oh right, a 'love sick jealous brat'! How can I ever love a man like that?!"

Jiraiya nodded, hearing her words and the underlying truth she hadn't said yet. "Though" he felt her tense under his hand. "Despite all he, and your comrades had done to you, the ones you trusted at the time, you've come to love Kakashi Hatake yet your heart still isn't ready to forgive. Konoha can't define you for who you are Naruko, you are your own person, your own book to write....."

Suddenly a great idea popped into his head and he held the blond by both his hands and he had a massive grin on his face and a light blush. "Idea!" he chimed gleefuly. "Write a book! Now now listen to what I have to say before you start hollering young grasshopper. Why don't you write a book about what you have always wanted to say to your nakama or what you've always wanted to do and here's the best part!"

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