Twenty Nine

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Sasuke watched in satisfaction as the boulder he pierced with his Chidori Senbon shattered. "Almost there" he muttered before launching the jutsu again towards another boulder. Speeding forward, Sasuke unsheated his Katana and sliced swiftly and accurately through larger pieces of rock. Sasuke stood proudly over his work.

He'd been training for over three days now without breaks, though his smirk vanished as his sight and balance wavered and he fell in a heap onto the grass. Breathing heavily Sasuke deactivated his sharigan. "Almost there..."

"Uchiha" Neji walked towards the tired man, lying on the grass. Kneeling beside him, the Hyuuga gave him a look. "I did warn you training for three days with no food or water wouldn't end well with you".  The Hyuuga had been coming and going for the past three days to keep an eye on Sasuke. Not that he wanted to of course but because Tsunade ordered him to, and because he knew Naruko would be upset if she finds out Sasuke was sent to the hospital.

The uchiha grunted and forced himself up. "I'm finnished for today"

Neji felt irritated. "Tch, what would Naruko think of your behaviour Uchiha?"

"Why would she care?! She's too busy swapping spit with Kakashi" Sasuke spat bitterly, unsealing a bottle of water and ignoring the murderous intent Neji sent him.

"I see you're still bitter about that" Neji sighed. "To be honest, there is a side of me that thinks she'll be happier being with you" Neji wouldn't admit he also has a side that thinks Naruko should be with him, and an even stronger side that agrees Naruko only belongs with Kakashi. Ahh, love. So confusing. Sometimes it makes you feel like you're on cloud nine. Other times, it just makes you feel like you're being stabbed in the heart hundreds of times.

Sasuke tsked and flickered his head away from the other man. "You want her too. I've seen the way you look at her. And yet you're helping everyone else with their little scheme of getting Naruko together with Kakashi" Sasuke knew he was jelouse but nobody else knew besides Sakura, Shikamaru, Tsunade, and Neji. He had confessed to the blond on a number of occasions and once had the privilige to make love to her when she was in need.

She was loud and abnoxious but she was a talented ninja and Sasuke knew there would be no one else he'd want to spend the rest of his life with than her. No other woman could hold a light compared to her. "Why them out of everyone in Konoha? Kakashi could be shoved off to Shizune. Everyone knows of her silly crush"

"The age gap between them is certainly big but what everyone, including I, agree on is thay they deserve to be happy with each other. They have undiscovered feelings for each other and besides..."

Suddenly the Hyuuga took on a dark look, his Byakugan activating. "You owe to her to be supportive because you're abadoned her when she needed you the most"

Sasuke didn't reply, he wouldn't let anyone know how much it hurt to hear that. That the love of his life and Kakashi deserved each other.

He never meant to abandon Naruko. He just wanted her away from Kakashi and to look at him more often. Sasuke grittrd his teeth as he knew that was just an excuse because at the end of the day he did abandon her for Katsumi just like Sakura and Kakashi. "The dobe deserves better than Kakashi" Sasuke stood up and sealed away his remaining water. Walking out of the training feild he called over his shoulder. "I'm done training"

He may not be with Naruko yet but the goal to slay his brothet will always be his top priority. That doesn't mean the lingering thought of Tsunade's proposal was out of his mind.

Neji crossed his arms. "I'll have to keep an even closer eye on him. Sasuke...I won't let you get in the way of Naruko's chance of happiness"

Sasuke was right. Neji too was inlove with Naruko but, unlike Sasuke, Neji has long since accepted he will never have a chance with the blond because her heart belonged only to Kakashi.

But Sasuke was selfish, that much Neji knew. Sasuke wanted Naruko, and he'll do whatever he can to keep her away from the Uchiha.

A/N: Yes I'm back and I'm not dead yet!!!!

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