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Avengers pov:

Everyone was in the kitchen eating breakfast. It was about 2 in the morning and the sun was nowhere near up. They had decided that it was best to go in the morning when there would be less protection. Nobody talked much as they were all very tired from barely getting any sleep, but after the third cup of coffee they woke up a bit. They all entered the quinjet and began thinking of battle plans. Steve, Bucky, Pietro, and Clint were to go inside the building and retrieve the information while Tony, Nat, and Wanda, and Sam were outside and made sure nobody could leave. They had thought about bringing Peter onto this mission, but he had school and Tony wanted him to get a full night of rest which Sam replied to by calling him "such a dad." Thor was on Asgard at the moment so it was just the seven of them, but that was enough. The quinjet landed and they all made their way to the doors only to find that the guards were already dead, and one of them was missing a hand.

"Do you think somebody got here before us?" Nat questioned as they stared down at the dead bodies. Bucky bent down and examined the bullet hole on one of the guards.

"This blood is fresh, Definitely happened sometime in the past few hours." They decided to continue with the plan and the four of them made their way inside while the rest stayed outside.

Clint's pov:

As the four of them made their way inside, Clint was surprised by the number of already dead agents littering the halls. Steve suggested that they split up to find the computer room faster. He went down the hall farthest to the right, Bucky and Pietro went down the hall in the middle, and Clint made his way down the hall farthest to the left. Soon, the alarms started flaring throughout the building and Clint figured that one of the others had been found. As he walked down different halls, he was astonished to find the dead agents left and right. While he was coming up with theories of what could have happened, he heard Bucky talk into the comms.

"I found the computer room but there's nothing on these computers."

"That's impossible," Tony replied, clearly very confused.

"I'm starting to think that somebody definitely got here before us," Nat responded.

"Let's just get out of here and we can think of a new plan," Steve suggested and they all agreed. As Clint was turning another corner he saw somebody jogging down the hall away from him. He didn't know whether it was friend or foe but he figured if they were in a Hydra base, then it was likely the latter. As he shot an arrow at them, they turned and caught it. They raised a gun and shot him, but he jumped out of the way just in time and it barely grazed his shoulder. Clint gasped, he saw that the figure was a woman, no older than 25, with blonde hair and blue eyes. He was astounded that somebody had been able to catch his arrows, that wasn't supposed to be possible. He looked down at his bow to see if it was broken or something but everything with his bow seemed normal. When he looked up to where the women had been standing seconds before, he found that she was gone. He ran up and turned to the corner looking for her but she was nowhere to be seen. He figured that she must have turned into one of the endless hallways and that there was no way he was going to be able to find her right now. As he turned and started walking back toward the others, he realized he should probably tell the rest of the team.

"Guys, I think we may have a situation!" he said into the comms and waited for the others' responses.

"I don't like the sound of that." He heard Sam reply and he chuckled to himself.

"I'll tell you back on the quinjet, let's meet there" he replied back and turned off his com.

---(time skip)---

Everyone was sitting in the quinjet listening as Clint explained what happened.

"So she caught the arrow? That's not supposed to happen" Steve told them.

"Do you think that she was the one who killed the agents?" Nat asked, looking back at Clint.

"It's possible, She tried to shoot me but I jumped out of the way," Clint told them looking down at his shoulder where the bullet had grazed. Lucky for him it only touched his jacket so it quickly stopped bleeding.

"Well if she's the one who got the information we needed, then we need to find her," Bucky said looking around at all of them. The twins, Wanda and Pietro were standing in the corner listening as everyone talked. It wasn't uncommon though, they didn't talk a lot during group discussions.

"Do you know where she went?" Wanda asked, making everyone look at her.

"I'm not sure, it was like she was there one second, and then she probably ran off because the next second she was gone" Clint sighed and leaned back in his chair. "Hopefully she shows herself again," he added.

"If you know what she looks like, maybe we can run facial recognition," Tony suggested.

"Blonde hair, blue eyes, looked about 20? 25 maybe? I'm not sure, she was pretty far away." Clint closed his eyes trying to remember more about her.

"Seems a little young to be killing that many people." Steve pointed out.

"Listen, Cap, just because you're old doesn't mean that everybody else is young," Bucky said as Steve glared at him.

"Boy, you can't talk," Sam said exasperated at Bucky and Bucky just stuck his tongue out at him.

As the team made their way back into the tower, Tony and Clint started running facial recognition on the women he had seen. However, they found nothing. Not that it was very surprising. There were over a million people just in New York that fit that description and they didn't even know where she was from.

"What are we going to do if she doesn't show up again?" Nat asked as they all sat down to eat an early lunch since it was only around 10 am.

"We'll find her, somehow." Steve confidently responded, but deep down he could only hope that to be the case.



 The Avengers officially know of Ash... 

What's gonna happen now????  

Thank you for reading the story so far! :) 

Emerald Assassin X Avengers (an Avengers Fanfic)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora