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Ashlyn's pov:

----(time skip - the next day)---

Ash was walking down the sidewalk on the way to the cafe. She had received a text from Tyler telling her to meet him at the same cafe for lunch so here she was wearing heels that were extremely uncomfortable and a skirt that was too short. Ash had her hair down and curled. She was wearing minimal makeup including a bold lip color and a dark eyeshadow. Ash walked into the cafe and immediately spotted Tyler sitting in the corner. 

Ash sat down across from him and he smiled at her. Ash could tell the smile was fake and that he seemed rather bored but she didn't say anything. Tyler ordered a coffee and sandwich for himself and without asking what Ash wanted he ordered her a salad. Ash almost rolled her eyes at this but held it in. She knew that Tyler was looking for someone he could boss around and she was just going to have to deal with it

"So what do you like to do?" She finally asked him after being bored of the silence. Tyler rolled his eyes and Ash pretended not to notice

"I golf," He said simply

"That's cool," She said and almost cringed at herself. This was worse than that one time she had to pretend to be interested in a school principal for a mission. Seriously, if there's one thing that schools actually need to teach it's how to flirt because she almost barfed ten times during that conversation. Ash shook her head to rid it of the horrible memories and looked up to see Tyler typing away on his phone. Ash couldn't actually slap him so she imagined it, and boy did it feel good. What kind of date literally sits on their phone the whole time?! There was a ding in Tyler's phone and Ash looked at it curiously. Tyler seemed to have read the message because he sighed and looked up at her. Ash pretended to be interested in her nails so that it didn't look like she was watching him.
"My boss is having a party tonight and I need a plus one. Wanna come with?" He put on the fake smile again and Ash tried her best not to scoff.

"I would love to," She said happily. "Where do you work?" She asked interestedly as if she didn't already know.

"Stark Tower," He said in a bored tone and put his attention back on his phone.

After the two had finished the food they stood up and walked toward the door. Ash was glad that at least Tyler had the decency to pay for the meal since she didn't even get a chance to order what she wanted.

"Where do you live?" he asked her. Ash gave him the address of a random apartment complex she had seen on the way here.

"I'll pick you up at eight. Wear something nice" He told her before getting in his car and driving off. Ash was finally able to roll her eyes. She was going to have to be fake interested in this guy? seriously?! Ash sighed and walked down the street. This was going to be harder than she thought.

---(time skip)----

Ash was waiting inside the apartment complex lobby for Tyler to text her that he was here. She was wearing a silky red dress and a matching pair of heels. Her hair was in a half up half down bun. She had a full face of makeup on and she had put in some silver hoop earrings. When she got the message that Tyler was outside she stood up. She took one last look at the mirror in the lobby and smiled. No matter how bad tonight was there was one good thing, she looked freakin amazing. Ash walked outside and noticed the shiny sports car waiting for her. She hopped into the passenger seat and he started driving. They stayed silent through most of the car ride until Ash decided to break the silence.

"So what's the party for?" She asked innocently.

"Just a work gathering," He said in a bored voice. Ash looked out the window and noticed the Avengers Tower coming closer and closer. She closed her eyes and thought of different ways to make herself feel more adult-like. If she was going to have to pretend to be Sarah in front of the Avengers she was gonna have to go full-on actress mode. The car finally parked and Tyler got out. Ash knew she shouldn't expect him to open the door for her so she got out herself. Tyler led her through the doors and into the elevator. Only when the elevator doors began to open did Tyler slide his arm around hers. 

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