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Steve's pov:

Steve was watching the girl from outside the glass room. She was lying face-up on the floor of the cell. Her eyes were closed and her hands were laying casually on her stomach. Steve couldn't help but remember when Katherine used to do that.

"I know you're there Mr. Rogers" Steve was brought back to life when her voice reached him. He cringed at himself for not figuring it out sooner, she even sounded like Katherine. Steve walked into the room and sat on the other side of her cell door. She sat up and looked at him. He looked right in her eyes, the same piercing bright green eyes he remembered from all those years ago.

"I wanted to talk to you," he said. Steve wasn't sure why he was nervous. Whether it was because he just now remembered how much he actually missed Katherine or because of the fact that he knew the team was watching him from the TV in the living room. Steve pushed the thoughts out of his head and focused on the girl in front of him. She just blinked at him and he took that as a sign to continue.

"I know about your past," He said and her face suddenly became angry

"You don't know anything about me," She said calmly. Steve sighed

"I know you grew up in an orphanage, I know you ran away when you were ten, and I... I knew your mother" Ashlyn just stared at him with a blank face for a few moments, she opened her mouth to speak but soon closed it again when no words came out. She seemed to come to her senses as she opened her mouth again

"Your lying," she said simply

"No, I'm-"

"No, you just want information! You don't know anything" Ash stood up and started walking in circles around the cell. Steve was reminded of when Katherine would pace back and forth when she was stressed out. Steve shook himself out of his thoughts, he needed to focus.

"Her name was Katherine" Ashlyn seemed to ignore him and she kept walking in circles around the small cell.

"She loved to read and bake-" Ashlyn stopped walking in circles, turned the other direction, and continued.

"Stop," she said quietly, but she wasn't sure if Steve heard her because he kept talking.

"-She loved to go to the store and smell the different candles they had-" Ash started to slow down her walking "-you look just like her." Ashlyn stopped walking around the room and turned her whole body to face him. She sat down still staring at him. She laid back and closed her eyes.

"I'm tired, please go away"

"But I-"

"Go away." Steve sighed and stood up. He suddenly had an idea and took out his wallet. Inside was a picture, one of the only pictures he still had of Katherine. He took out the small picture and slid it under the door of the cell. He walked to the door of the glass room and turned back. Ashlyn hadn't moved and he sighed again.

"Goodnight Ashlyn." He turned and left the room.

Ashlyn's pov:

"Goodnight Ashlyn" Ash kept her eyes closed as she heard the door close behind Steve. When Ash had escaped the orphanage with Maya and Liam, Maya had offered to find Ash's parents. Ash had refused however, she liked being just the three of them. She had lasted her entire life without a family. She didn't want them, and she sure as hell didn't need them. They were the ones who had put her in that horrible place, and that was something she couldn't forgive. Ash opened her eyes and stared blankly at the bars above her. She was wishing she could forget Steve had ever walked in here in the first place. Any mention of her parents made Ash angry. Maya and Liam had learned to stay away from the topic but here was Steve telling her everything she didn't want to know.

Ash was angry, she had already gone through all the pages in the coloring book and she was bored out of her mind with nothing to do except replay the conversation she had just had in her head. It was moments like this where Ash hated her amazing memory. Ash sat up, the floor of the cell was very uncomfortable and she was starting to need to use the restroom. Her eyes fell on a little card at the front of her cell. When she moved closer she saw that it wasn't actually a card but a picture. Ash picked it up and looked at it. There was a woman with long brown hair and very bright green eyes. She was holding an ice cream cone close to her face and sticking her tongue out to the camera. Ash noticed that the woman was also pregnant. Ash gulped, this was Katherine... This was her mother.  

Steve's pov:

Steve walked back into the living room where the team was waiting for him.

"Well, that could've gone better..." Said Sam timidly, Steve rolled his eyes.

"Just give her time, she'll come around," Said Bucky

"I don't know..." Said Steve sitting back down on the couch

"What do you mean?" asked Clint.

"Well her friend, Maya, the hacker person. If she wanted to know about her family then couldn't she just ask Maya?" Said Steve, he looked at the TV and saw that Ashlyn was still laying on the floor of the cell where he had left her.

"You think there's a reason why she didn't know about her family?" asked Bucky

"Well think about it, her father left, her mother sent her away. And sure Katherine came back for her but Ashlyn doesn't know that. All she knows is that they didn't want her" Said, Wanda

"But she did, Katherine did want her," Said, Steve

"I'm still confused on why the orphanage told her that Ashlyn was dead" Said Peter. Nat suddenly stood up and looked at them.
"What if the orphanage is the organization?" She said

"What are you talking about?" Asked Steve

"The organization that gave her the tattoo" Nat pointed at the TV "The one that pissed her off" Nat looked at Peter "what exactly did Aaron say to her before she killed him?"

"Something like you may think you got away, but you'll always be one of them. It's your nature, it's who you are. And he was going to say more but she kinda..." Peter put a hand around his throat to show the motion of what Ash had done to Aaron.

"It all makes sense," said Nat. At this point, Steve was very confused, and by the looks of his teammates, they were too.

"What makes sense?" asked Tony.

"The orphanage, it's Pheonix. The one that was partnered with Hydra. That's why Ash was so angry with Aaron, maybe they knew each other"

"Are you saying that the orphanage Ashlyn grew up in gives their kids away to Hydra?!" Said Steve, he knew Hydra was bad but why in the world would they use kids.

"Poor Ashlyn," Said Clint. Everyone looked back to the TV screen in time to notice Ashlyn sitting up in her cell. They watched as she stared blankly in front of her for a few seconds and then looked at the picture Steve had left her. They watched her move forward and pick it up. Her eyes traveled around the photo and Steve saw the realization dawn on her face.

"I have a plan," said Nat. "We let her attend whatever meeting she was planning on attending tomorrow only if she wears a comm so that we can hear what people are saying too."

"What in the world makes you think she won't just take the comm out" Asked Bucky

"Let's just ask her," said Nat walking toward the door

"No," said Steve whose eyes were still on the TV screen. Nat turned around and stared at him "let her sleep first. We'll ask her tomorrow," he said. Nat sighed but nodded. 

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