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Ashlyn's pov:

Ash had watched enough horror movies to know what when you hear a strange noise behind you, you run.

So Ash was running as fast as she could through the grass fields. She was out of breath, the grass was leaving cuts and scratched on her arms and legs, and her feet were aching. She was also absolutely freezing. She had been sprinting for about two hours now. Looking back every now and then. Ash swore that every time she stopped to catch her breath, something in the grass moved.

Ash might be dumb, but she wasn't stupid. Nothing ever ended well when the main character decided to go check what made that sound. So she kept running. But now, Ash was tired. Exhausted seemed like a better word. She made a sharp turn to the right, hoping to somehow find her way to a street, a gas station, anything that meant other people.

A sudden rustle in the grass behind her made Ash turn her head back while running. She tripped over some weeds and fell to the ground.

Ash groaned, whatever was in the grass could honestly just come get her now, that was so embarrassing.

A figure emerged from the grass behind her. It took her a second but Ash recognized her as Liza, the girl Ash had randomly chosen at the meeting she had with Oliver way back when. Liza was carrying a knife in one hand and a gun in the other, how fun...

Ash quickly got to her feet, still out of breath. Her foot was bleeding from when she fell since she was still barefoot, but Ash paid no attention.

"Did Oliver send you?" She asked, no response.

"Did he put me here?" She asked, but again, no response.

Ash groaned, why was this so hard??? Ash just wanted a burger and fries, and a very very very long nap. Was that too much to ask for?

Liza took a step forward and Ash took a step back. Ash would never admit it but she was slightly worried about having to fight the person in front of her. For starters, Liza had actual shoes and clothes. All Ash was wearing was the hospital gown. Ash was a very good fighter but Oliver had said that Liza was one of the best at the orphanage. Liza also had the weapons, Ash didn't.

The gun in Liza's hand was cocked, meaning the safety was off. Liza lifted it, pointed it directly at Ash, and shot. Ash dodged it by half a centimeter and put her hands out in front of her.

"Wow man, take a chill pill. I'm sure there are other ways to work this out," Liza ignored her and raised the gun again. This time however, Ash was ready for it. She leaned down and swept the feet out from under Liza. She fell to the ground and Ash kicked the gun out of her hand.

One weapon down, one to go.

Steve's pov:

Maya had informed the rest of the Avengers about her discovery.

"Do you think that's where Ash went? To the base?" Asked Bucky but Maya shook her head.

"She would've told me."

Steve was thinking hard. If Ash hadn't set that bomb then who had? Why had Oliver even called in the first place? Was it just to rub it in Ash's face that she would never find him? Somehow, Steve didn't think so. Then it all clicked in his head. Steve stood up very suddenly and everyone looked at him.

"It was Oliver." Everyone gave him questioning looks so he continued. "Oliver set that bomb. He called Ash to taunt her and get her to come after him, which she did. She was at that party and Oliver set the bomb to try and kill her."

There was a moment of silence where everyone let the new information sink in.

"Does that mean Ash is dea-"

"No" Maya interrupted what Tony was about to ask. Steve understood what she meant and shook his head.

"Ash is a lot tougher than that, she's still alive," He said confidently. There was absolutely no part of him that could accept the fact that Oliver had beat Ash, it wasn't possible.

"Then where is she?" Asked Nat.

There was another moment of silence while everyone thought about the answer to that question. Steve's head was swarming with more questions. Did he take her? Was she okay? Was she hurt? Where was she?

"Well, we know she was in Germany, we can start from there," Said Bucky and everyone nodded. Maya and Tony immediately got to work on facial recognition with the security cameras near and around the area of the explosion.


Tony and Maya had found a match on one of the cameras. They played the video on the big screen while the rest of the Avengers watched. This camera was placed on a building next to the mansion that Tony had been able to hack into. They watched as Ash came into view half crying half dragging a little boy with her. She set him down on the grass and checked to make sure he wasn't hurt.

Steve noticed the blood dripping from her forehead and on her clothes. She was covered in dirt and smoke but her hair somehow still looked good. She was also limping and there were burn marks on the left side of her body.

"Why isn't she healing?" Asked Peter

"She can't use her powers when she's too tired, it takes up too much energy. Her body isn't healing because it's trying to conserve energy." Maya explained.

They watched as Ash jogged out of the frame but a few moments later was thrown backward from another blast. She landed on her back and didn't move after that. Tony pressed the fast-forward button to the part where more people came in. They watched as three teenagers who looked about Maya's age and a middle-aged man walked out of a van.

"Is that-?" Asked Sam, pointing at the middle-aged man.

"Oliver," Maya muttered through gritted teeth. Just the sight of him made her want to jump through the screen and strangle him.

They watched as Oliver looked to the teens with him and said something to them. They all nodded and one of the teens took a syringe out of his pocket. He inserted it into Ash's neck. He then picked her up and carried her back inside the van. Oliver looked toward the camera and smirked before entering the van and driving away. Tony turned off the TV and they all sat in silence.

"I'm gonna kill him," said Steve angrily and he heard a few voices of agreement.

"She looked seriously injured. We have to find her before he does something even her healing can't fix" Said Bruce which made a shiver go down Steve's spine. He didn't want to think those thoughts.

"Who were the others?" Asked Nat.

"Kids from the orphanage," Said Maya.

"Ash can take them, right?" Asked Clint.

"A few of them, in her condition, probably. But Oliver has an entire army of trained assassins who would do whatever the hell he wants them to do. Ash may be good but-"

"They'll kill her," Said Bucky, finishing what Maya was hinting at.

Steve gulped. 

Emerald Assassin X Avengers (an Avengers Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora