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Avenger's pov:

It was currently 3:10 pm and the team was starting to think the girl wouldn't show up. The Avengers were all sitting in the living room in their suits waiting for her to arrive. Tony was about to open his mouth to say that she wasn't coming when JARVIS's voice rang out.

"The Emerald Assassin has entered the building sir."

"Let's get this party started," said Tony clapping his hands together and standing up.

"JARVIS, can you tell us where she is?" said Steve who had also stood up.

"She has just entered the elevator, Mr. Rogers."

The Avengers stood around the elevator watching as the numbers went up. When the elevator finally reached the right level the doors remained closed and the lights around the room started flickering. Nat punched a button on the elevator and it slowly slid open. However, it was empty.

"JARVIS, where is she?" Nat called out.

"She is in the elevator, Miss. Romanoff."

Nat looked around the walls of the elevator.

"We know you're in here" she called out. There was a click of a gun and everyone spun around. There was a girl standing there pointing a gun right at Nat's head.

"Looking for me?" she asked with a smirk on her face. Tony stepped forward and her gun moved to point directly at him.

"I was starting to think you wouldn't show up," Tony said taking another step toward her, the aim of her gun stayed on Tony and she didn't flinch."

"I wasn't going to."

"What changed your mind?" Asked Bucky and she turned to face him, keeping her gun on Tony

"You have something of mine, I want it back," She said, simply turning her attention back to Tony.

"We just want to know a little about you, this doesn't have to turn into a fight," said Steve and the girl just looked him up and down before taking in the rest of them. She put her gun back into her belt and crossed her hands in front of her.

"Let's get this over with, I don't want to be here any longer than I have to," Ash said before turning around and settling herself down in one of the smaller couches. She crossed her legs and looked at the rest of them expectedly. The Avengers gave each other side glances before taking their original seats.

"Let's start with a round of introductions, shall we?" suggested Tony.

"I'm Steve Rogers."

"Bucky Barnes."

"Natasha Romanoff,"

"Tony Stark, obviously,"

"Sam Wilson,"

"Clint Barton,"

"Spider-man," said Peter, not wanting to give her his real identity. Her eyes lingered on him for a minute before turning to the next person.

"Wanda Maximoff,"

"Pietro Maximoff,"

The Avengers looked at the girl expectantly but she simply nodded.

"What's your name?" asked Clint.

"Where's Maya?" she asked, ignoring Clint's question.

"She's safe, now answer the question," Nat said, not taking her eyes off of the girl.

Emerald Assassin X Avengers (an Avengers Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now