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Ashlyn's pov:

---(time skip - five months later)----

"And I want you, to marry me"


"Let me reword that. You will marry me"

Ash held in a scoff, who does this guy think he is?! Over the past few months, Ash had been able to solidify her relationship with Tyler. Tyler however, made it very clear that he didn't care one bit about Ash and was only putting up with her to please his father.

"I can have the wedding ready for next month," Ash said quietly. In all honesty, Ash was ready to slice his throat open. But she kept reminding herself of the bigger picture.

"No! I'll have the ceremony set up for next week. I already have a dress picked out." Ash nodded and turned away from him, rolling her eyes as she did so. Ash exited the car and walked up the steps to the apartment building she had been pretending to live at for the past five months. A few other things that had happened included Maya and Jackson going on a few dates. Ash would usually hate the idea of Maya dating anyone but as long as Jack treated her well, she was ok with it. She made sure to tell Jack this and he agreed. Ash sighed as she waited in the lobby for Tyler's car to leave. She never in a million years thought that she would be proposed to in a car but hey, things happen.

When Ash was sure that the coast was clear, she exited the building and got in her own car. Ash cringed as she drove down the streets of New York. She thought about the wedding that was soon to happen. Ash and Tyler wouldn't actually be getting married, she would make sure of that.

As Ash pulled into the driveway of her house and saw Jackson on the porch. He seemed to be saying goodbye to Maya. Ash got out of the car and walked toward the two.

"Any new news?" Maya asked as she spotted Ash from behind Jack.

"Guess who's getting married next week," Ash said with a sarcastic smile. Maya smiled sympathetically and Jack chuckled. They both knew how much Ash actually hated Tyler.

"Congratulations I guess," Jack said, "now you can finally kill him."

Ash smirked at the thought and walked past both of them into the house, saying goodnight to the pair on her way in.

"Did you kill him yet?" Ash turned quickly only to find Liam sitting eating some ice cream"

"Unfortunately no. But I only have to wait another week." Ash plopped herself down next to him on the couch and sighed. Liam gave her an understanding head nod. He also knew how much she wanted to rip his head off.

"Are the Avengers gonna be at the wedding?" Ash frowned at Liam's question. She hadn't thought about that. What would the Avengers think if they saw Ash killing her "fiancé"?

Ash was about to respond when she caught sight of the clock on the wall. It was currently one in the morning. Ash studied Liam who was giving her a confused look.

"Bed. Now." Liam sighed and got up. Ash took the container of ice cream out of his hands and began to eat some herself.

A few minutes later, Maya sat where Liam had originally been sitting.

"Have you told Oliver yet?" Maya asked, peering at her friend.

"Nope. And I don't think I'm going either." Maya nodded but looked uncertain. Ash knew that Maya had been worried about this mission ever since Ash had started it, but Ash wasn't worried. Ash knew exactly what her job was and now all she had to do was complete it.

"What exactly are you going to do about Oliver?" Maya asked, as she stole the ice cream container from Ash and set it down on the table. Ash rolled her eyes at Maya's action but didn't say anything.

"I'll deal with him later. I'm moving one problem at a time" Maya nodded and stood up.

"I'm going to bed, you should too" With that, she left Ash curled up on the couch. Ash closed her eyes and sighed. She was dozing off to sleep when her phone suddenly started ringing. Ash took it out of her pocket and looked down at the ID. She groaned and put the phone up to her ear.

"I have the guest list ready. It's going to be a small service, not too many people. You are allowed to bring three guests"

Ash didn't wait for Tyler to finish what he was saying. Instead, she hung up the call and threw her phone at the wall. Yes, she actually threw it. Ash laid back down on the couch and closed her eyes. She was proud of herself for managing not to kill him for the last few months.

"Only one more week," Ash told herself. And With that thought, she drifted off to sleep.

Steve's pov:

"So you guys are moving quick?"

Steve and Tyler were walking down to the hallways on the way to the training room, Tyler had just brought up the wedding and invited Steve along with the rest of the Avengers.

"Yeah, we figured we want to be together so what's the point in waiting" Tyler was strolling casually by Steve's side while Steve looked at him suspiciously for a moment. He hadn't seen Sarah ever since Stark's party and Tyler never talked about her anymore. Steve was rather surprised to find out that they were still dating let alone getting married. Steve dropped his suspicion, however, if his friend was happy then so was he.  

A/N: I know I already posted today, but this one is short so why not.

Let's just acknowledge the fact that Tyler is a total jerk.

Can't wait till he's dead... lol :)

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