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Ashlyn's pov:

---(time skip - next morning)---

Ash hadn't slept at all during the night. She sat in her cell giving herself different colored nails and trying out different hairstyles. It was the only thing she could think of to pass the time. It was currently 8:30 in the morning and Ash was trying on different tattoos on her foot. Ash ignored the door opening and Bucky bringing in her breakfast. He slid the tray through a small opening in the cell. Ash looked over at it, it was a bowl of oatmeal, a small side of vegetables, and a glass of water. Ash brought her attention back to her foot. She heard Bucky sigh.

"It's not poisoned I promise," He told her. Ash shrugged and kept creating different designs. Ash heard Bucky leave the room.

A few minutes later Bucky returned with a plate of eggs and two forks. Ash watched as he took one of the forks and ate one of the eggs. Bucky then slid the other fork and the plate of eggs through the opening in the cell.

"See, it's not poisoned," He said. Ash got up and walked over to the opening. She took the eggs and the fork and sat on the floor.

"I didn't think it was poisoned, I just don't like oatmeal," Bucky chuckled. Ash started eating her breakfast. She noticed that Bucky wasn't leaving and looked at him.

"Do you want anything else?" He asked her

"A donut? And maybe a coffee"

"Sure thing, I'll be right back. You like sugar in your coffee?" he asked and she nodded. Ash was a little surprised that he was actually getting her these things. She was half-joking with her response but she wasn't going to tell him that. She was still hungry and a donut actually sounded really good right now.

Steve's pov:

Tony, Nat, Steve, and Bucky were the only ones awake yet. Bucky had gone down to give the girl breakfast and they watched as she ate the eggs on the floor of her cell.

"She's oddly calm for someone who can't get out," Said, Tony

"Maybe she has a plan?" asked Steve

"We should tell her about ours," Said, Nat

"She'll never agree to it. With her, everything comes with a price" Said Steve

"Then we just have to negotiate the right one," Said Nat. Bucky walked through the living room and into the kitchen, Steve followed him

"What are you getting for her?" Steve asked

"A coffee, and a donut," He said.


"I'm hoping if we are nice to her then she might be more willing to agree with our plan," said Bucky. "Plus she was up all night, a coffee is probably much needed"

Steve nodded and watched as Bucky took a donut out of the cabinet and the coffee he had just made and walked out of the kitchen. Steve walked back into the living room and sat down on the couch. He watched the TV screen as Bucky slid the Donut and coffee through the opening in the cell. Ashlyn took the food items and sat against the wall.

"I think we should go talk to her about it," said Nat. Steve nodded and stood up. He walked with Nat into the elevator and down the halls. Nat was about to walk in but Steve hesitated before opening the door.

"Relax, she's not gonna bite you," Nat said sarcastically and Steve rolled his eyes.

"It just brings up some memories," Steve muttered as he opened the door. Ashlyn was sitting criss-cross applesauce in the center of her cell. Bucky was sitting outside her cell watching her but Ash seemed unbothered as she took another bite of her donut.

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