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Avenger's pov:

"я не твой враг (I'm not your enemy)" she told him and Bucky nodded, "но я тоже не твой друг (but I'm also not your friend)" she added. Nat and Bucky looked at each other.

"может это может измениться? (Maybe that can change?) Peter asked her and she looked at him, however, she didn't respond.

"я не уверен, что это сработает (I'm not sure that would work)" Ashlyn responded but didn't look at him.

"The kid's got a point," said Bucky "we can help each other."

"I prefer to work alone, thanks," she said, not looking at him either.

"Why are you here?" asked Clint "I know it's not just to answer our questions."

"As I said, I've got nothing better to do" At that moment there was a soft ding and Ashlyn pulled out her phone. She took a minute to read the text and then stood up quickly.

"Well, duty calls" she announced.

"You don't actually think we would let you leave do you?" said Nat, also standing up and walking to block the elevator.

"Well it's not really up to you, is it? Don't worry though, you'll see me again." With that, she sprinted toward the nearest window which covered the entire wall of the living room. She rubbed her palms together and touched the window. The glass shattered in every direction the team ducked behind the couches for cover. When they looked back toward the window, Ashlyn was gone. Nat, Bucky, and Peter were the closest and they ran to the broken window and looked down at the streets of New York. However, the girl was nowhere to be seen.

"Where did she go?!" Nat called out as she turned around to face the rest of the team.

"I don't see her," said Bucky as he was still looking out the window.

"So she escaped?" Asked Pietro "I don't understand, if she could have escaped this while time then why did she stay as long as she did?" he asked, clearly confused.

"She said she had her reasons, I just don't understand what she could have gained from us questioning her," Sam added onto Pietro's thinking.

"Maybe she wanted us to see that we could trust her?" Peter asked.

"Well I don't know about any of you but I wouldn't trust her with a single thing," Tony said.

"I trust that she isn't entirely evil," Steve said.

"I agree with the old man," said Bucky.

"I agree with both of the old men," said Sam, Steve and Bucky glared at him.

"What did she mean by, you'll see me again?" Asked Clint.

"I'm sure we'll find out" replied Tony.

Ash's pov:

Ash was speeding back home on her motorcycle. She had just jumped out of a window in the Avengers tower, and she was kinda proud of herself for the dramatic exit.

As she pulled herself through the front door she heard several loud footsteps running toward her. Liam and Maya soon came sprinting around the corner and engulfed Ash in a hug.

"You're crazy,"

"I know," Ash grinned and Maya rolled her eyes.

"What did you do?!" Maya asked as picked out some broken glass that was stuck to Ash's skin.

Emerald Assassin X Avengers (an Avengers Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now