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Last real chapter...

Ashlyn's pov:

"Hey Ash, you awake?"

Ash had decided to spar with Natasha which proved not to be the best idea since she hadn't actually slept properly in a week.

"Yeah, sorry" Ash had been distracted and kicked out her leg in the wrong direction.

"Are you sure? We can take a break if you want" Nat offered but Ash shook her head.

"It's fine, lets just keep going."

Bucky and Sam, who had been using the punching bags, turned to watch Ash and Nat spar. Nat was throwing most of the punches and Ash was just dodging them, still kinda out of it.

Ash groaned when her back hit the ground for the third time. Nat offered her a hand and she accepted it.

"I'm getting sloppy" She sighed and Nat laughed a little

"You're not getting sloppy, you're not even trying"

"I am trying," Ash defended. She exited the ring and went to grab her water bottle. Nat followed her.

"I've fought you before Ash, you're distracted"

"I am not distracted"

"When you tried to kick me, you kicked in the wrong direction" Nat raised an eyebrow and Ash avoided eye contact.

"Simple mistake" Ash offered her.

"A simple mistake that would get you killed if I was anyone else" Nat replied.

Ash sighed, it was true, she had to get herself together. Maybe a cup of coffee would do the trick.


Ash walked into the kitchen with Nat, Sam, and Bucky following behind her. She paused when she saw all the Avengers already there including Maya and Liam who were sitting at the table staring at her. What made her more confused was the excited look Liam was wearing and the unsure look on Maya was wearing. She also noticed all their eyes were on her.

"Ah Ash, we were just talking about you," Said Tony, offering for her to sit at the table. She suddenly felt very uncomfortable but obliged nonetheless.

"Everything alright?" Ash asked Maya but the girl only shrugged.

"I think they should tell you"

Well, now Ash was very nervous. What the heck was going on?!

"Listen, Ash, we've been meaning to talk to you" Started Steve and Ash understood.

Was he actually about to do what she thought he was gonna do?

"Are you arresting me?"

"We want you to join the Avengers"

Steve and Ash said these at the same time and both of them just blinked.

"Oh," Ash said,

It was a few moments of silence until what Steve actually said clicked in her head.

"Wait what?!" Ash stood very quickly. 

Ash turned her head very quickly from Steve, who was looking at her hopefully,

To Maya, who was just watching her carefully,

To Tony, who was watching with an amused grin,

To Nat, who was just smiling at her.

Emerald Assassin X Avengers (an Avengers Fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu